


EIRA wins the RADAR project in the Danube region, appoints a project director, recruits staff and gets rolling. 22 Project Partners and Associated Strategic Partners all pushing in the same direction. The road safety agenda is changing, there is increasing energy and momentum. National road authorities are gearing up. Multilateral Development Banks are looking to support. A new European Coordinator for Road Safety is appointed in Brussels. Throughout the Danube region, there is interest in what is happening and what the outcomes will be. How will these changes affect strategy and planning? Will some Danube countries be among the first UN member states to achieve road safety infrastructure targets? How will discussions on amendments to the EU’s Road Infrastructure Safety Management directive play out?


2018 has been a good start but there is so much more to anticipate and look forward to in 2019! 


Steve Lawson, Regional Director, EuroRAP-EIRA  






A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates road traffic deaths continue to rise, with an annual 1.35 million fatalities. The WHO Global status report on road safety 2018 highlights that road traffic injuries are now the leading killer of children and young people aged 5-29 years. 

According to status report, more than 7.000 people were killed on the roads of Danube area in 2016. Large parts of the Danube road network rate poorly for safety, particularly for vulnerable road-users, and death rates in many countries are higher than the EU average. Many countries lack professional capacity and approaches to the problem vary. 

The status report also includes the Global Voluntary Performance Target for Road Safety Risk Factors that have been agreed by UN Member States to help governments measure and manage road safety. One of the targets is aimed at ensuring the safety of all news roads by meeting a 3-star or better standard for all road users by 2030. 

Read more about status report on road safety 2018 HERE.  



 RADAR - 1St danube road Safety Conference  


The goal of the first RADAR conference was to raise awareness about the vision, purpose, objectives and organisational structure of RADAR project, create an understanding of the work by providing explanations on specific aspects of the implementation and establish an open communication channel with target groups and beneficiaries by fostering discussion and feedback.

The event was organised within the cooperation with the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). The conference was organised during the European Road Conference, where 500 transport stakeholders participated.

More than 400 road safety professionals have heard about RADAR during the 3-day conference. It was the perfect opportunity to create synergies between different and new stakeholders and create high expectations on RADAR outputs. The RADAR conference was attended by the representatives from non-governmental organisations, universities and national public authorities including representatives from relevant Ministries and Road Authorities from partners’ countries.  


Read more about 1st Danube Road Safety Conference HERE



rOAD safety training courses in 10 european countries


3-day road safety training course of the project RADAR will be starting in March 2019 with lecturers from the project's Scientific Committee consisting of experienced international experts. Scientific Committee developed a training curriculum based on identified needs and existing European best practice and international knowledge that will help build up the road safety capacity in the Danube area. 

Road Safety Trainings will: 

  • Analyse the road safety data that highlights the scale of the problem of road trauma in the region;
  • Demonstrate the methods and data required and for the ranking infrastructure road safety priorities in each country of the Danube area;
  • Present and explain the road design features that can reduce the frequency and severity of road crashes; 
  • Train local experts on how to perform road surveys and perform road safety analysis in ViDA software (vida.irap.org). 

3-day in-person training with additional two days of webinar courses will be deployed in Hungary, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Austria and Czech Republic in the period from March to November 2019



the formation of the road safety expert group (rseg)


RADAR project is establishing the Road Safety Expert Group that will provide platform for cooperation to professionals and experts in the field of road infrastructure safety. Through the support of RSEG expertise, it will provide the drafting and adoption of the Danube Infrastructure Road Safety Improvement Strategy and Danube Infrastructure Road Safety Improvement Action Plans.

The members of the Road Safety Expert Group will include representatives from RADAR Project Partners, Associated Strategic Partners and from stakeholder groups with knowledge and expertise in the field. 

The Road Safety Expert Group will: 

  • provide participants with opportunities to develop their expertise and work with similarly-focused experts across the region; 
  • provide inputs to and endorse the road safety transnational strategy and related action plan based on best practice and knowledge; 
  • promote capitalisation opportunities.




radar official promotion material 


Project RADAR has officially released the promotion material. 

You can read more about RADAR, the project’s objectives and goals, specific outputs and more on brochure, posters or roll-up. 

Check out the RADAR promotion material HERE.





March 2019 – Study visits in Slovenia & Croatia 
March 2019 – 1st meeting or Road Safety Expert Group (RSEG) in Slovenia and Croatia  


Stay tuned for more information!





The project RADAR is very social. Speak our digital language and follow us.





Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)