CAMARO-D - Save the date for the final conference - 3 cluster-training sessions carried out


SAVE the DATE - Final conference - 03.-04.06.2018, Vienna, At


Dear readers,

the CAMARO-D project will come to an end in June 2019. In the upcoming  months, the partnership will conclude the works in the pilot areas and in the work-packages dealing with the elaboration of a vision for a progressive land-use management in the Danube river-basin.


    Vienna, June 03-04th, 2019


As a highlight after 3 years of intense project-work, the major outputs will be presented and a declaration as a strategic outline for the future will be signed by notable representatives of the participating countries. Further details concerning the programme and the registration will follow in the beginning of 2019.


The conference will be jointly organized with the CENTRAL EUROPE project PROLINE-CE.


In PROLINE-CE, there is a transnational stakeholder round-table discussion scheduled for February 2019. This event is open for all interested stakeholders and experts. Feel free to have a look at the Save the Date!


  • SAVE the DATE for the round table of PROLINE-CE project
  • Budapest, Feb. 14th, 2019




Cluster training session Steyr - Nov. 13th, 2018


Measures (trees to be planted), developed and adopted during CAMARO-D project.

(copyright: Elisabeth Gerhardt/BFW).


More than 40 participants from 7 different countries participated in an excursion in the afternoon of Nov 13th, 2018 which took them to the Austrian pilot area "Drinking-water protection area Dietacherholz": They got an insight about already conducted best management practices in the field of silviculture. Moreover, the situation and conditions of agriculture within this drinking water protection area were presented.


In the preceding morning-session, presentations about target-oriented silviculture, grassland management and agriculture towards sustainable groundwater protection and impact of climate change on water supply were held by representatives of Austrian and Slovenian project partners.


For more information, feel free to contact Elisabeth Gerhardt / BFW.


Cluster training session Ljubljana - oct. 15th, 2018


Presentation of hydrotchnical measurs mitigating flood risks

(copyright: University of Ljubljana)


The main topics of this training session, which took place on Oct 15th in Ljubljana, went from measures to mitigate flood risks via establishing flood forecasting maps in torrential watersheds (nature protection by biodiversity conservation and control of invasisve plant species) up to tailored forest management in torrential watersheds (afforestation, forest fires). Also a practical guide to spatial planning in catchments and river stretches was presented.


For more information, feel free to contact Urban Kristan, University of Ljubljana.



Cluster training session Covasna - Nov 07.-08th, 2018


Beaver situation in Black River Basin

copyright: Hubert Siegel, BMNT


During the excursion to the Black River Basin area on November 8th, 2018, the participants learned more about the human-castor-conflict. Implemented best management solutions were presented, showing a combination with maintenance works of the flood defense infrastructure. Afterwards, the administrator of a local company focusing on agricultural production informed about the main issues faced during daily activities (drought, heat excess, irrigation,...).


On day one of the training session, held in Covasna on November 7th, 2018, several presentations about land-use management in the perspective of water, flood and drought management - including the beaver situation - gave an overview of examples and practices applied by other countries. There were vivid discussions regarding their applicability in Romania, respectively the need for new legislative proposals in order to encourage an agriculture which is both effective and based on the protection of water resources.


For more information, feel free to contact Beata Balazsi, EPAC.


CAMARO-D - stay on track




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)