Eco x Digital is a showcase and networking event that will take place on 28. November 2018 in Budapest Hungary. The event brings together eco-aware organisations, eco-innovators, developers of digital solutions, tech start-ups and more.
Join us at the sessions dedicated to eco-topics:
- Sustainable airports + landside mobility (session guest: Budapest Airport)
- Fresh food farming, digital agriculture (session guest: Eisberg Hungary)
- Green energy: generation, systems, storage (session guest: Alteo)
Don´t miss the all-day showcase of eco-innovations, digital solutions, environmental technologies, green innovation and cleantech.
The event also offers opportunities to engage with representatives of eco-aware organisations and companies, potential and existing partners / clients on networking breaks or on one-on-one private meetings with other Eco x Digital participants.
Registration and more info

Virtual lab is an online matchmaking tool created for project EcoInn Danube. It enhances and enables the cooperation and finding matches between demand and supply of eco-innovations.
Users can find matches for their eco-solution needs or send their request for eco-solutions and their eco-technologies. Moreover, the Virtual lab offers a contact map of eco-innovation actors across the Danube region.
You too can submit a request either for a challenge you are facing or a solution you have designed! You can also look for someone who will facilitate the development of your prototype, develop your prototype into a final product, purchase your licence or purchase your product as end user.
Learn more in the video here!

BIC Brno organized on 20th September 2018 a workshop and matchmaking in Circular Hub in Prague in Campus Hybernska with the slogan: „Circular economy in the building industry is the future!”
The workshop and matchmaking was a follow-up to stakeholder meetings that took place in 2017 where main issues and barriers in implementation of circular economy in building industry were collected, such as general mistrust in the construction products from secondary materials or cheap landfill.
Czech Republic is up to 80% dependent on import of raw materials and the rate of recycling is in some areas unsatisfactory. Building industry is becoming a sector that consumes 50% of all the world's resources of raw materials and is facing many alarming issues including the loss of sand supply.
To tackle barriers in this field, the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade decided to elaborate a Catalogue of building products and materials containing secondary materials. This was also an impetus for a discussion between professional and wide public with the aim of eliminating the prejudices and barriers in implementation of principles of circular economy.
The event introduced the audience to the main topics that were Recycling of building materials; Circular economy in practice; Concept Waste used as a source; EU trends including the ambitious targets of western states, Activities of the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade for support of using of secondary raw materials in the building industry; Use of waste from an architect and developer's perspective; Introduction of EcoInn Danube project and Virtual lab; Supporting projects of program H2020.
In the afternoon 3 thematic workshops and matchmaking took place - Workshop about Czech circular cities, raw industrial symbiosis between circular economy and European conditions and Matchmaking event with company presentations.
The Czech circular cities workshop has addressed the topics of new technologies and innovations in waste management and identification of barriers in implementation. The participants have search for ways of cooperation and creation of a common vision of circular cities of the future and ways how to divert construction waste from landfills and create resources from them.
Workshop about raw industrial symbiosis between circular economy and European conditions was focused on cooperation between science and research organizations and SMEs and specification of current barriers to this cooperation. The workshop also addressed national and regional topics – trends in building industry, opportunities for innovations and benefits of virtual labs.

On 21st of September, Local matchmaking workshop event was organized by RDA Banat at the Expo-Sport Hall "Medison" Zrenjanin.
The event was organized within the Fair "ZR-BIZNET", as a new unique economic event in Serbia that gathered a large number of participants from different sectors (start-ups developing new innovative products and services, domestic and foreign companies, local and national authorities, business support organizations, R&D institutions, etc.) and provided educational discussions, lectures on current business topics and contact with potential partners and business support institutions.
The event was opened by Mr. Slobodan Petrović, director of the Regional Development Sector in Serbian Development Agency, who greeted the present and stressed the importance of the topic of eco-innovation for the Republic of Serbia. After the introduction part, RDA Banat and project partners from CCI Banja Luka presented the EcoInn Danube project, its objectives, target groups, activities, expected results, and key elements. Morning session continued with a discussion on the topic of Legal regulations on the protection of intellectual property rights, leaded by the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia. After the short break, eco-innovative company “Dogama Ltd” presented their eco-technologies and products in the field of plastics recycling, as examples of good practice in recycling. Introduction of eco-innovation was added with the presentation of the Virtual lab, as web platform developed for all those who can offer a particular eco-innovation solution or need it.
Afternoon session continued with matchmaking of companies at the ZR-BIZNET Fair. During the session and one-on-one matchmaking, participants had the opportunity to develop cooperation with other actors, exchange experience and best practices in this field. Representatives of Serbian Development Agency also presented Program of support for direct investments by the Government of the Republic, conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Economy, intended for companies that realize investment projects in the manufacturing and the international trade services sector. The event was closed with summing up the impressions of all present, hoping that the achieved contacts will result in concrete cooperation between in the future. The realization of the event was supported by the City of Zrenjanin and Serbian Chamber of Commerce – Regional Chamber of Commerce Zrenjanin.

The Green Summer School in Vienna (25-28Sep 2018) offered a diverse and interactive program to the next generation of eco-innovators. With talks, excursions (UNIDO), hands-on demonstrations (growing mushrooms on coffee waste) as well as workshops (business development, rhetorics) the event left a sustainable impression on participants, contributors and organizers alike. Altogether 30 international young participants broadened their eco-knowledge, developed entrepreneurial skills and interactively built on green business ideas.
One unanimous view and take-home messages conveyed by contributing start-ups, lecturers and workshop leaders was: “Gather your wits, strength and courage! Go and implement your Green idea!” Economica Institute for Economic Research, the Austrian EcoInn partner hosting the Green Summer School, communicated the need and pleasure of a resource-saving lifestyle by e.g. organizing/providing public transport, re-usable workshop materials and consistently meat-free meals. According to direct feedback and evaluation reports the event was a full success.

The Comenius University in Bratislava Science Park (CUSP), held a Plenary Session and the Technical Meeting of the European project HORIZON 2020 MONICA - (Management of Networked IoT Wearables - Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications) on 26-28 September 2018.
The organizer of the meeting was Atos IT Solutions and Services, Slovakia, one of the partners. The coordinator was the EU Research Center, the Fraunhofer Institute, Germany, with the MONICA project coordinated by its Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT) in Sankt Augustine (near Bonne).
This meeting was also a good opportunity to establish contacts and cooperation and to popularize the transnational project EcoInn Danube / Eco-innovatively Danube Region from the Interreg program.
More information

In October 2018, Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information has organised an EcoInn Danube conference – Transfer of Technology in Slovakia and abroad 2018 – an event focused on local innovators, SMEs and R&D institutions. The first part of the event offered a workshop for specialists in the field of technology transfer, university science parks and their management, and science, research and innovation specialists, introducing two international guests – M. Gibbs from Oxford University Innovation, Ltd. And R. Molík, CTT VUT Brno.
In the conference part, presentations focused on support of social impact of research, future of transfer of technology, intellectual property rights and more, presented by Slovak and international speakers.
In the scope of the event also two competitions took place – the most attractive eco-poster of the conference and the Transfer of Technology in Slovakia Award 2018. Awards were handed out in two categories – Best Innovation of 2018 and Best Innovator of 2018. The winners of the year 2018 are Formula for Compound with Low Rolling Resistance (prof. Ing. Darina Ondrušová, Phd., prof. Ing. Mariana Pajtášová, PhD. and Ing. Ivan Labaj) and prof. Mgr. Ivan Martinček, PhD. from University of Žilina.
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