partnership at work in vienna
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Another six months have passed and the YOUMIG partnership is relentless in delivering project results to an even wider audience. Matching science with local evidence is one of the goals of the project and results were shown to the outside world at the Mid-Term Conference held in Vienna in May 2018.
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INDICATOR DEVELOPMENT - what is cooking in our lab?
One of the pillars of research undertaken in YOUMIG is the development and testing of indicators in connection with youth migration in a wide context. Understanding the populations that are involved in migration included thinking about the home and receiving communities as well. Teams of statisticians and researchers have been working together in a process of selecting relevant statistical measurement tools for each YOUMIG country, going as far down to the local level as possible. The current state and results of this exciting work will be presented to partners at the next partner meeting in Maribor as well as in a forthcoming YOUMIG working paper.
Good practices, lessons to be learnt are everywhere. A compilation prepared by YOUMIG partners has sieved through the vast array of information and pulled together all those European projects and practices that are relevant for youth migration, labour market and social integration – YOUMIG’s highlight themes. The good practice collection presents best practices targeting immigrants, emigrants and return migrants covering their many roles on the labour market, in investment and entrepreneurship, education and elsewhere.
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Download the Good Practice Guide
INTERVIEWS with experts
infographics - slovakia, serbia
YOUMIG strives to tell stories about youth migration with the help of visual aids or infographics.
The first one tells you about the top destination countries in Slovakia, and zooms in on the YOUMIG age group of 15-34, with details about young immigrants’ gender, marital status and education levels. At the local level, we look into the makeup of the population of the district of Bratislava-Rača, including the foreign-born population.
In Serbia, we present the top three destination countries for emigrants from the country, as well as locally, from Kanjiža. Typical age, gender and reasons for going away as well as duration of stay are other areas explored.
A collection of YOUMIG infographics can be found on our website as well as on our facebook page. More infographics are on their way from YOUMIG partners.
Visit the infographics gallery
Making research results relevant at the local level has been one of the most important endeavours of the YOUMIG project. With the involvement of six municipalities the partnership has developed an exercise to design pilot actions that are based on the local case studies prepared for each locality. Each of the six pilots address an issue identified in the research with the tools available in a local government setting. Activities embarked upon include sharing of information, encouraging stakeholders to think about migration-related phenomena, and planning local council programmes to help young people on the move.
Another, related exercise in YOUMIG is the launch of one-stop-shop services at all seven municipalities. Tailored slightly differently in all seven cities, the OSS service guides people involved in migration (immigrants, emigrants or returnees) in their relevant administrative and, in some cases, labour-market needs.
Partners helped each other in the design and testing of the pilot actions and OSS services through peer review visits between municipalities with similar projects. Close monitoring and step-by-step feedback helped shape the actions in a way that they would best support local needs.
real people, real.stories
Real people and real stories. In its nearly two years’ of operation, YOUMIG partners met with a lot of different people, in different situations, being actively involved in a migration experience, or being affected as a family member, through a friend, or as a service provider in a local community. Stories are collected as we go, making research relevant in everyday lives. Here we share some of those stories with you.
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