Iron-Age-Danube - Newsletter 8




ALL Four Archaeological Camps are sucessfully Accomplished



2017 in the first year of Iron-Age-Danube two international  excavation camps took place. 

Archaeological Camp Austria 2017- ACA 2017 - which was the first of four camps included working group meetings, steering committee meetings, exchange of know-how and technical equipment in concrete field research, programs for visitors, events for the public and promotion events for tourism. The Archaeological Camp Austria organized by Universalmuseum Joanneum (LP) and  University of Graz (PP1)   was conducted from April till June 2017 in two micro-regions: Großklein and Strettweg.

The Archaeological Camp Croatia - ACC 2017-  was organized in Kaptol and Jalžabet. International research camp in Kaptol was organized by Archaeological museum in Zagreb (PP7) and Center for Prehistoric research (ASP6). The camp in Jalžabet was organized by The Institute of Archaeology (PP6) with its associated partners: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia (ASP5) and Varaždin County Tourist Board (ASP7). During the camps a number of events was organized targeting general public and stakeholders, education and research, each in its own respective micro-region.

 The Archaeological Camp Slovenia 2018- ACS 2018- was organized by the University of Ljubljana (PP 3), Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (PP 4), University of Maribor (PP 5) and the Slovenian ASPs. It took place in micro-regions around the Iron Age hillforts Poštela near Maribor (Štajerska region) and around Cvinger near Dolenjske Toplice (Dolenjska region)  and comprised a broad range of activities dealing with all the main points of the project – research, protection, promotion and touristic use of archaeological heritage.

The Archaeological  Camp Hungary 2018 - ACH 2018 - the conservation of finds and the evaluation of data is still in full swing after the closure of the Süttő excavations carried out in the framework of Archaeological Camp Hungary 2018.

Besides the international knowledge exchange between the project partners these international excavation camps attracted  huge attention due to various events held for general public.The camps had synergistic effects with initiatives in the tourism sector, especially for the regional tourism development agencies, by rising the international visibility of these regions.




ARKWORK Industry forum- archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment

17.-18.january 2019 Schloss eggenberg, graz, Austria


 Together with Arkwork the Iron-Age-Danube Project invites you to join this event:

 Please register:




8.00 - 9.00 Registration

9.00 - 10.10 Icebreaker session

Coffee break

10. 30 - 12.00 Archaeology and LIDAR: Impact of new digital technologies on strategies for sustainable protection of archaeological landscapes in the 21th century (Iron-Age-Danube)


13.30 - 14.30 Policy making group introduction (Dorina)

Coffee break

14.50-17.00 Policy making discussion (Dorina)

19.00 Dinner



8.00 - 9.00 Registration

9.00 - 10.20 World coffee 1st session

Coffee break

10. 40 - 12.00 World coffee 2nd session


13.30 - 15.00 Workshops 1

Coffee break

15.20-17.00 Workshops 2



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)