KnowING IPR - Online Newsletter 01/2018


Dear reader,

It has been 4 months since KnowING IPR project has officially started and we're glad to have an opportunity to work with you. 

On October 25, kick-off event happened at Faculty of Information studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia. Also, a promotional video for the project was presented. A day after there was 1st Steering Committee Meeting where we managed to agree some important things and we also made some plans for future activities. Both events were a big success, we all did a great job. Thank you again for your participation and suggestions.

News and photo galleries are already published on official KnowING IPR website. Please, share the link on different Social Media accounts as possible.

We would also like to mention that some of the partners who are also working on 1st Call project InnoHPC participated at the 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region that took place on 18th and 19th October in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Many challenges are now ahead, wishing you all the best... 


The KnowING IPR team




The kick-off event of the project KnowING IPR took place on 25th October 2018 at the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia. A day after, on 26th of October all partners of the KnowING IPR consortium met during the first Steering Committee Meeting (SCOM), where a number of important aspects of the project were discussed. 





From 18th to 19th October partners who also participate in 1st call project InnoHPC participated at the 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Regionwhich covered topics of particular importance for the Danube region related to preservation of cultural and historical heritage, new technologies and digitalization in tourism sector, ensuring safety and security in tourism, transport connectivity and mobility. 


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)