Danube GeoTour - 7th Newsletter: 4th project meeting in Iron Mountain Geopark, Czech Republic


Successful meeting in the Czech Republic from 25th – 27th September 2018


The Geopark Železné hory in the Czech Republic had the chance to welcome the Danube GeoTour project partners from 8 countries. During the first two days in the Iron Mountain Geopark the partners discussed the development of their GeoProducts and the Danube GeoTour promotional campaign for the last period in 2019. The partners presented the current status of the GeoInterpretation sites and the outputs of a proper strategy for sustainable management of tourism pressures. Invited guest speakers from the Associated Strategic Partners Naturtejo Geopark in Portugal, Carlos Neto de Carvalho, and Rokua Geopark in Finland, Vesa Krökki, were giving interesting inputs for the development of GeoProducts and the promotion of Geoparks at the international tourism fair (ITB) in Berlin, Germany. In addition, a field trip through the Iron Mountain Geopark took place to discuss GeoInterpretation according to best practice examples. In conclusion, every partner was satisfied concerning the successful meeting. The project team just would add many thanks to the organizers from Iron Mountain Geopark including all their involved helpers and partners.

More information about the project and the organizers are available within the following links: dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danube-geotour







The 8th International Conference on UNESCO Global Geoparks took place at the Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark, Trentino Province, Italy, from 11 to 14 September 2018.

The Conference on “Geoparks and sustainable development” was held at the Palacampiglio Conference Centre in Madonna di Campiglio, located at the heart of the Geopark. The third Conference day, 13 September, was dedicated to the mid-conference field trip. Participants chose one of six available options to become familiar with the specific geological, natural and cultural characteristics of the Adamello Brenta UNESCO Global Geopark. A series of social and cultural events have been planned during the Conference to meet local people and experience their traditions and Italian lifestyle as well. 800 particpants attended the conference in Italy.

During the conference several project partners were attending the Confernce to present activities and outputs of the Danube GeoTour:

  • Overall presentation fo the Danube GeoTour at the GeoFair
  • Lead Partner Idrija UNESCO Global Geopark: 

  a) Innovative GeoProducts development in Idrija 

  b) Presenting Danube GeoTour partners in the emerging Visitor's centre of Idrija

  • Styrian Eisenwurzen UNESCO Global Geopark:

a) Danube GeoTour as part of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

b) GeoRafting an adventurous way to teach Geology

  • Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark

a) Sustainable development and Danube GeoTour Project

  • Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark

a) The role of GeoProducts in fostering local sustainable development

b) GeoProducts, what and why? Guidelines and case studies



Geoparks With(OUt) Limits


The project partners with Geoparks localize, translate, promote and disseminate the recomendations in their Geoparks. Institut of the Repbulic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation proposed a long list of recommendations for specific target groups to be applied in Geoparks and broader using comprehensive language, including preparation of general recommendations in the form of leaflets to be used for general awareness rising of preservation needs in all PP Geoparks. They prepared three different types of leaflets for effective dissemination of general recommendations on conservation and behaviour in Geoparks as regards protection of natural values (geological values, minerals and fossils). The leaflets are targeted to Geopark visitors such as organized school groups, general public, tourism SMEs and various interest groups inlc. NGOs. Leaflets include photo(s) and provide general messages on importance, protection and statuses of the geoparks nature values. Leaflets are prepared in Slovenian and English version,  printed in 2000 copies and distributed to project partners as well. They will be used at different information points and as an additional tool for workshops, conferences, promotional events and trainings. This supplementary activity increase the effect of local recommendations and enable wider communication of the need for sustainable use of geoparks natural values.

Posters are two sided, on the first page (side) are photos of minerals, fossils and geosites from all eight Geoparks. On the other side are recommendations for general public, presented by ilustrations.  

 - Fossils

- Minerals

- Geosites




The Danube GeoTour is selected to be labelled as relevant project on culture and/or creative industries for EU Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018). The overall objective of the Year is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage, to raise awareness of our common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging in a common European space.
More information: europa.eu/cultural-heritage

Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/danubegeotour/ 

#danubegeotour #EuropeForCulture

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Copyright Photos regarding the whole newsletter: UGG Idrija, UGG Hateg, UGG Eisenwurzen, Barnabs Korbely



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)