The best 7 teams from each local lab presented their results during the 1st International Demo Day


The best 7 teams from each local Open Innovation lab presented their results
during the 1st International Demo Day


The best 7 teams from 233 Young Talents who participated in the DA- SPACE project from seven Danube region countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovak Republic and Romania, have presented their results to real entrepreneurship problems which they worked during the first cycle of open innovation labs.


The 1st International Demo Day, the final event of the First Open Innovation Lab Cycle on a partnership level, held in Croatia. The event, hosted by Juraj Dobrila University Pula and the Region of Istria took place on June 28th 2018 in the premises of Faculty of Economics and Tourism „Dr. Mijo Mirković“in Pula.


The International Demo Day showcased the best solutions created by teams of young solvers from each of the partner countries, which participates in the project. During the last four month the teams worked in the open innovations labs on the challenges which were trusted with by the seeker institutions, while using the open innovation method to find innovative solutions. During this time, they benefit from entrepreneurship training, from the idea generation process and marketing to business models. The audience enjoyed the presentations, whether they were about solutions for traffic and parking optimization, smart home or about an application that improves work efficiency, like Programmer's Brain.



The International Demo Day was made interesting by Guest speakers doc. dr. sc. Dean Sinković on the topic of „Economics of Innovation“ and Tea Zubin Ferri, mag who presented METRIS, an innovative research and development center for materials based in the Region of Istria, who both emphasize the importance of innovation in the different regions.



During the 1st International Demo Day the participants had the chance to hear an interesting panel discussion moderated by Ms. Jelena Vitasović on the topic of „Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Danube region“with representatives of seekers, solvers, policy makers and universities. During the panel discussion different topics were addressed: From the perspective of the universities it was pointed out that working with companies was by no means foreign, but that the approach of Open Innovation gave students new perspectives on the topics. This statement could also be confirmed from the solver's point of view. From the company's point of view it could be stated that it is very exciting for them to work together with young talents. It is particularly positive to mention that the DA-SPACE project has also achieved initial success stories, as one of the young talents is now employed by this Seeker after working on the open innovation challenge. How the process of open innovation labs can be carried sustainably into the regions was discussed above all with the representative of the policy makers. He sees the project as a great opportunity to bring the idea and method of open innovation to the region in order to build up a strong and sustainable culture of innovation.


The first international Demo Day was an exciting conference, which showed the first good results of the DA-SPACE project. It was a great opportunity for all participants to exchange ideas and experiences of the first cycle of DA-SPACE Open Innovation Labs.


For more information about the local demo days, please visit the DA-SPACE webpage.






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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)