Newsletter June 2018


Submerged Heritage of the First World War


The International Conference „Submerged heritage of the First World War” and the Exhibition “One Hundred Years of Solitude Under the Sea” was held on Tuesday 12th of June 2018 at the St. Nikolas Church in Zadar, Croatia. The date of the conference was symbolically chosen on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Austro-Hungarian navy Szent István. Since the Republic of Croatia has great potential for the development of diving tourism, the conference aimed at its popularization.

The International Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA) in Zadar organized this conference on cultural tourism with an emphasis on the First World War in collaboration with the organization INOVAcija as part of the NETWORLD project, supported by Danube Transnational Programme.

The conference gathered experts from the fi elds of history, cultural tourism and underwater archaeology who presented the historical maritime affairs and fl eets of the First World War in the Adriatic. Among offi cials who gave welcome speech to participants in the conference were Mr. Luka Bekić - Director of the ICUA in Zadar, Mr. Ivan Šimunić - Head of Administratitve Department for Education, Culture and Sport, County of Zadar, Ms. Ivanka Stričević -Vice Rector for Scientifi c Affairs and Information 


Infrastructure, University of Zadar; Julia Walleczek- Fritz, Project Manager, Team member of project NETWORLD and Mr. Krešimir Partl - State Secretary, Ministry of culture of the Republic of Croatia.


After the conference the participants had a guided tour at the ICUA’s Gallery and the city downtown.


The First World War heritage promotion in Sarajevo


School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo, Bosna-Hercegovina organized a city tour for media representatives on 24th of May 2018. The city tour was about promotion of the First World War (WWI) heritage in Sarajevo and development of WWI tourism related products.


The Great War told to the Youngest


In May 2018 the Regional Museum of History in Dobrich as a NETWORLD project partner launched a series of lectures, aimed at the youngest students aged 7 to 11 years old. The idea is to use the working 3D Educational Book "Dobrudzha and the First World War", created especially for the series of meetings with children in the form of games, crossword puzzles, picture puzzles and interactive tasks, to present the pupils the cultural heritage associated with this signifi cant historical event.

More than 200 children from different schools in Dobrich and the region have registered so far. The stories of museum experts are combined with a visit to the Military Cemetery Museum, where students bring fl owers to the memory of the heroes and touch upon the material testimonies of the First World War.

The lessons aim is to educate a sense of tolerance, humanism and patriotism in the youngest and to teach them the most important thing - war should not be a way of resolving


confl icts, and the memory of it must remain in the museum and textbooks. The initiative will continue until the end of June 2018.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)