Newsletter - June 2018




Dear readers,


during the past year and half we have completed planed tasks in the project and achieved some results. In this newsletter we would like to introduce some of these results to you. The main achievements were completion of participatory planning workshops in all partner countries and successful launch of Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms (Common and National).



Common Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform


Did you know that Danube region has almost 32% of its energy generated from renewable sources and the largest share of renewable energy, 70%, is in Austria. This and much more can be found in the Common Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform (CO-TAMP).


CO-TAMP is an interactive cartographic application for displaying statistical data. It provides attractiveness indicators with a use of an interactive web map viewer as well as provides powerful analytical tools for spatial querying. This platform was developed within the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project by Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and the project partners provided inputs from their freely available data sources for their country.

CO-TAMP Leaflet



National Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms


National Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms (N-TAMP) provide national attractiveness indicators for each project partner country. This won't be possible without stakeholder's participation.


Links to all partner countries N-TAMPs:



Summary of all the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE national workshops


Three national workshops were recently completed for each partner country between May 2017 and May 2018, a total of 33 in all, with almost 800 attendees.


The aim of the workshops was to explore and create a set of national indicators that could then be used to measure attractiveness in the given country.  The most important role played in these events was the role of our relevant stakeholder participation.  With their contributions we were able to create a set of indicators specific for each country, enabling us to monitor attractiveness throughout the Danube region and promote further participation and policy cohesion.


See for yourself in the Summary of project National Workshops how the workshops went and what we discovered on the journey!


Happiness and Trust questionnaire


Happiness and trust play an important role in both our social and economic lives and may influence the attractiveness of a region. The purpose of this survey is to learn what the general opinion of the people of the Attractive Danube region have on the subject of happiness and trust. With filling in this questionnaire, you will also contribute to this.

The questionnaires can be filled-in, in various languages of the Danube Region countries.

Please find here the links to the questionnaires:





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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)