Online Newsletter No. 3




Dear reader,

Welcome to the second edition of the RI2integrate project newsletter. RI2integrate is project implemented by the INTERREG Danube Transnational programme co-financed by European Union funds. The main objective of the project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure in Danube Region.

Ri2integrate project has started on first of January 2017. Our newsletters will inform you at least twice a year about the progress of the project. We welcome your contributions and inputs. Stay with us and enjoy reading!

Yours sincerely,

Ri2integrate team



The main objective of RI2integrate project is to exploit the economic development potential and to better the integration of the operation of the EU’s excellent R&D Infrastructure (RI) investment projects through devising and implementing innovative tools for policy learning on macro-regional embeddedness in the Danube Region.

The main novelty of RI2integrate is two-fold. It's methodology foresees the combination of the Smart Specialization approach (from the expert side) and the Quadruple Helix model (from the stakeholder perspective). Additionally, as a policy driven novelty, the project creates synergies between different EU and territorial funding instruments.

The main result is the improved transfer of scientific results into the economy in the Danube Region, in line with the different needs of the participating countries by the improvement of cross-linkages among the R&D, SMEs, community and government.

Begining of the project: 1.1.2017

End of the project: 30.6.2019

Budget: 1.899.430 EUR

ERDF contribution: 1.474.669,35 EUR

IPA contribution: 139.846,12 EUR

Priority: Innovative and socially responsible Danube region

Specific objective: Improve framework conditions for innovation



The RI2integrate partnership consist of 17 project partners (9 ERDF partners, 1 IPA partner and 7 Associated partners) and covers 7 Danube countries.

RI2integrate project partners from HU, CZ, AT, RO, SRB, SLO, HR represent regional and national research institutions, universities, governmental bodies, decision makers, and intermediaries. Each partner stands for a particular type of organisation involved in the utilization of excellent research infrastructures.


Consortium consist of following organizaction:

Lead partner:

ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd.


ERDF partners:

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D for Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH

Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialization of Zadar County

University of Maribor

Magurele High Tech Cluster

Central Bohemia Innovation Centre

IPA partner:

Development Agency of Serbia

Associated partners:

Ministry for National Economy

Ilfov County Council

Central Bohemia Region

Steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Zadar County

Technical University of Kosice

Municipality of Ruše





The first Year Review monitoring event for RI2integrate – embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region project took place on February 6th 2018 at ELI facilities in Szeged.

The First Year Review meeting is a natural monitoring procedure which is necessary in case of every DTP's project. The RI2integrate partners presented an overview about the results, implementations and processes of the first project year to JS representative.

On the second day, February 7th, the partners held a workgroup meeting where the main topic was the 4th work package's partial results and next steps of project implementation.





DTP Capitalization is a novel approach bringing together organizations working on the implementation of the EUSDR EU Strategy for the Danube Region and projects financed under INTERREG Danube Programme (DTP). The main objective of the event is to foster discussion among relevant stakeholders of the Danube region, to establish cooperation between the core actors within the thematic fields of DTP Capitalization addressed to the creation of ‘Innovative and socially responsible Danube region (PA1)’.

A workshop on 3rd March 2018 in Budapest has held in connection to this initiative. It was addressed to promote a dialogue among organizations engaged in the implementation of the EUSDR EU Strategy for the Danube Region, representatives of the DTP Programme (JS) as well as thematic pole leaders. Participants are invited to exchange ideas and first-hand experience on the tips and tricks of DTP Capitalization, namely the programme-wide fertilization and exploitation of activities carried out by projects financed under Thematic Pole 1,2,3 and 9. The workshop is expected to scale capitalization up to the next level and thus, facilitate cross thematic pole activities, events and future projects leveraging the knowledge created in the Danube region.

RI2integrate has been there, represented by ELI-ALPS and CTRIA and had the opportunity to share the results of Pole 2 with the participants.





The follow-up (extra) partners and Steering Committee meeting for RI2integrate – embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region project took place on March 22-23, 2018 in Belgrade. The meeting was organised by the IPA Partner Development Agency of Serbia.

The main goal of the meeting was the capitalization of results with other projects, namely Accelerator in INTERREG Danube. Therefore, the first day was dedicated to capitalization and the second day to Steering Committee and Project management.

During the meeting we got opportunity for the introduction of RI2integrate project and the common points of the two projects were explored.  We have also exploited opportunity of capitalization among the two projects, as well possibilities how they can be supporting each other in future implementation and capitalization.





The University of Maribor has organized the traditional career fair “4th Career Market – Live!” in cooperation with the Employment Service of Slovenia, Regional office Maribor and other partners.

The event took place on Wednesday, 18 April 2018, between 10.00 and 13.00, in the main administrative building (Rectorate) of the University of Maribor, located at Slomškov trg 15 in Maribor. The career fair is primarily aimed at the presentation of companies to students, alumni, academic staff, the young unemployed, etc. The Project office of the University of Maribor was also present at the event and presented ongoing projects (RI2integrate, Made in Danube, open DOORS, ELEVATE and EDU-LAB) to SMEs, academic staff, students and alumni. Our project was very interesting for all visitors of the event.





The partners meeting & Steering Committee for RI2integrate – embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region project took place on May 17-18, 2018 in Zadar, Croatia, organized by the Institution for development of competence, innovation and specialization of Zadar County – INOVAcija.

The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the overview of the current situation and project results. Another aim was to determine further project activities. On the second day, the meeting was dedicated to Steering Committee and Project management, where all open issues and further activities were discussed.





The Internet of Things Conference that was held on June 7th at Magurele, also addressed the subject of the regulations on public procurement for research (closely related to public procurement of innovation), which are found in Romanian legislation. Here is the transcript of the statement of Mrs. Raluca Stoicea, Director of the Legal Department within the ELI – NP Research Infrastructure from Magurele at Radio Romania News:

Raluca Stoicea: From what I saw, there are also concerns at the European level for the regulatory part – it starts with conferences, guides, principles, general issues. I am waiting for more and more events, which will raise the issue of becoming a rather dedicated regulation, but I do not expect a specific regulation in the near future. In research, in no way, because the world is not concerned with research, because the research draws some of the provisions and questions it, but the research area is never correlated to the other, regulation, to say ‘sir, I want to regulate this part for research. ‘ No, the research is regulated separately and from there you, from a legal point of view, you have to go and attach yourself to various regulations to see how it applies to research.

The subject of public procurement of innovation is one of the objectives of the RI2integrate project under implementation through the Transregional Danube INTERREG Program. MHTC being one of the partners of this project and as an extension if  the guides done within the project will be accepted – ELI -NP will be among the beneficiaries.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)