Newsletter 2



Recent Results of NewGenerationSkills Project


Addressing and achieving the current young generation is one of the biggest societal challenges. The changing social and political circumstances require immediate innovative solutions. An important factor is that young people around the world are proactive drivers of social processes and promoters of change. How can young people achieve this? By boosting entrepreneurship and knowledge, creative brainstorming and the realization of their ideas, developing their skills and using social innovation tools. In the NewGenerationSkills (NGS) project, we are working to help young people to do and achieve these. In order to accomplish these, we connect the representatives of local municipalities, educational and business institutions with the 15 to 29-year-olds of the given area.

In this newsletter, we show what the program partners have done to ensure that the goals of the NGS - implementing social innovation, increasing entrepreneurship and achieving better economic results in the most effective way.


annual liag-meetings


In the recent months, almost all partners organized a Local Innovation Advisory Group (LIAG)-meeting in order to discuss their local needs and problems, their upcoming tasks and solutions provided by social innovation. The reviews of these meetings and their achievements are the following:

The Austrian partners discussed the developments of the YOUTH INNOVATION SPACE connected to the IBBOB Café at their March meeting. These developments included: promoting and supporting young people in the field of social innovation, launching start-ups as a career opportunity and presenting how young people can become proactive and innovative members of companies (intrapreneurship).

At their meeting, the Czech participants of the NGS Local Innovation Advisory Group discussed the challenges of the entrepreneurial culture of the Liberec region, such as the problems of existing ICT tools for educational institutions, and they also presented the local IL tools and services.

During the Serbian LIAG meetings, participants examined their current tasks, participated in the largest game conference - GAMES.CON and also discussed the challenges of the Local Action Plan for Youth Innovation.

At the 3rd LIAG meeting, the Slovenian participants talked over the action plan on the launch of the Social Innovation Lab (IL), which serves as a "one-stop shop" for local entrepreneurs. The Innovation Lab provides young people with useful competencies through the Dynamic Learning Package and makes the service available to them.


youth innovation space graz


Within the framework of the Youth Innovation Graz, which will take place between September 2018 and March 2019, 6 community events for young people between 15 and 19  will be held, their topics are: food, wood green and humane technology, media and co-working. Young people are offered the opportunity to participate in a Social Innovation / Entrepreneurship module. This module will be followed by the presentations of best practices and role models in the above-mentioned areas of strengths. Ideas of the young participants will be generated and collected.  The best ideas will be further developed through a one-day Design Thinking workshop and awarded by the Youth Innovation Graz 2018/2019.




The Sofia Development Association together with National Natural Sciences and Mathematics High School organized the Hackathon APPS @ НПМГ mobile app competition. The innovative competition was held on 28 – 29 April 2018 in Sofia. Participants were informed about the results of the local Youth Innovation Lab (IL) and the Dynamic Learning Program which opened in May.

5 teams participated in the competition who worked under the mentorship of ICT professionals. The winner Boyana and Krysian's project was named GoundHall and it is a community platform that helps the communication in schools. The other participants competed with these topics: mathematical games with own social networks, educational games for children and English students, notes and reminders to help the learning process. In the following, these ideas will be implemented under coaching and mentoring of ICT-professionals.


innovation lab in cluj-napoca


The North-West Regional Development Agency and the Cluj Metropolitan Area Intercommunity Development Association launched the IL in Cluj-Napoca in late March.

Within the framework of the educational program presented, local young people can learn about the differences between entrepreneurship and social enterprise, the operation of start-ups and the features of a successful business. In addition, the program helps 15-29 year old young people face the demands of labour market and career challenges in order to make the first steps towards the world of social, innovative entrepreneurship. The Dynamic Learning Package includes 4 modules: From Problem to Solution, From Idea to Product, Team and Marketing. The IL not only develops young people's learning skills, but links them with local entrepreneurs who will act as mentors. The program also organizes 4 motivational evenings where successful local entrepreneurs present their activities and advise young people in topics of City, Region, Country, Europe, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Society.



fab-lab in liberec

The so-called “FAB-LAB” will operate as a part of the Liberec IL and with which services in the Czech Republic are reflecting growing needs of digital, ICT-skills not only amongst young people but also responding to the increasing labor market requirements. The most important goal for the region is to develop the outdated ICT equipment of local educational institutions, including these tools: 3D printers and scanners, CAD programs or IOT kits. A Life-Long Learning Digital Academy will be launched as well as the part of the service portfolio within the Innovation Lab established in Liberec in order to provide generational cross-connection.

Tha Lab's concept and services were planned during the 2nd LIAG-meeting



stari grad & community event


The municipality of Stari Grad joined the NGS project as a new project partner in November 2017. As the central municipality of the City of Belgrade, Stari Grad represents the cultural, architectural, historical, business and touristic center.  The municipality has a significant history of cooperation with civil society, international, educational and business sectors. Thus, it is one of the most innovative local governments.

The first community event took place on the topic of social entrepreneurship. The event featured successful international and local examples of the topic (e. g. helping homeless people and young people with disabilities) and highlighted how young people can be both successful entrepreneurs at the same time, while also doing something good for the community and the society. This is the first in a series of workshops to be organized in the coming period.


New generation at újbuda


The Hungarian partner started the local Innovation Lab (IL) with a great opening event called „New Generation at Újbuda” in Budapest at the end of April. The whole programme attracted dozens of youngsters, between the ages of 15 and 29, who received useful ideas about how to handle their own future in a self-sufficient and proactive manner. The event priorities were the following:

• vocational orientation;                   

• supporting entrepreneurial and innovative interest and mindset;

• developing new generation skills.

Through interactive panel and round-table discussions, the young people gained insight into the world of business through examples of well-known and successful entrepreneurs.


6th peer review

The 6th Peer Review Session Workshop was held in February this year with the participation of Czech and Bulgarian partners in Budapest, organized by the local Municipality of Újbuda. These meetings aim at getting to know each other's good practices, examples, experiences, and also local challenges.

The central topic of the meeting at Újbuda was community building and the professional, entrepreneurial orientation of young people. The participants visited the B32 Cultural Center and Gallery hosting the business and cultural events of young people and the UP Center Community Office, supported by Municipality of Újbuda. In addition, visiting partners were introduced with a number of local programs, such as the Start-up Tender for University Students, which is a municipality project,  SENSE for capitalization, or the Action Plan of Újbuda. In the latter workshop, the organization KÖFE provided a detailed insight into its national community building activity.


knowledge café

This year's 2nd NGS Transnational Meeting consisted of several workshops and sessions. During the meeting, the partners used the Knowledge café method and sought answers for youth involvement, social innovation at local level, or sustainability and funding. The Maribor Local Action Plan, local examples and good practices of EU, including the BOTTOM-UP project, the KREATOR-LAB, were also presented at the expert meeting.

The Local Action Plan, presented by the Maribor Municipality, contains measures that focus on youth  employment. The plan is in line with the local government's 2016-2021 program in order to encourage local youth. The plan will be tested in May, which will show the exact local needs and areas needs to be developed.


youth camp - the knowledge transfer

The youth camp, which is organized in Serbia between 13-14 June 2018, brings together the young people delegated by every local partner of the NGS project. On one hand the purpose of the camp is empowering participants to become agents of social change in their own communities by motivating and inspiring them to take action in social innovation. On the other hand the camp provides opportunities for and encourage networking and exchange of experience/knowledge among participants.
The dissemination of DLP's success is among the objectives of the camp, it also promotes the feasibility of local ideas in other geographic environments, from which all partners can take advantage.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)