steps forward in implementing EU legislation in the Danube region.


Danube SKILLS- steps forward in implementing EU legislation in the Danube region


Dear readers,


Eighteen months into project implementation we are happy to share with you some of our results in reaching project ambitious objectives for the Danube region: integration of Danube navigation into modern transport solutions by updating and developing logistics information, tools and services and increasing the institutional capacity of the region for the adoption of the new EU Directive 2017 / 2397 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/EC. 


This newsletter is part of our efforts to keep our readers informed on project progress and we would like to kindly invite you to dedicate a few minutes to reading its contents and to also thank you all for following our news on project website, Facebook and Twitter accounts!  


Danube SKILLS's pioneering efforts pave the way for competency-based training


One of Danube SKILLS’s foremost objectives is to increase the capacity of education and training institutions in the Danube Region by offering them both the tools and a roadmap for the adoption of the EU Directive 2017/2397 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation. A typical capacity building process covers the development of a conceptual framework, the establishment of an organizational attitude, the development of a vision and strategy, the development of an organizational structure and the acquisition of skills and resources. 


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Exchange of best practices with EDINNA Association


Cooperation between project Lead Partner, CERONAV and the association goes back to the early days of EDINNA, to June 2008, when during a Round Table conference of the Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) in Strasbourg, directors and managers of education and training institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective to formalise the EDINNA network. Set up in 2009 EDINNA gathered along the years an impressive amount of 28 members who represent education and training institutions throughout entire Europe and beyond, institutions from Russia, Congo or the United States having joined the organisation in recent years. 


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Danube SKILLS promotes transport development on the Danube 


In the framework of the EU-funded project, Danube SKILLS, experts for transport development from viadonau visited Constanta in Romania at the end of February, where the first training session for the preparation of the new “Danube logistics promotion centres” was carried out. The training hosted participants from seven different countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania. The training is designed to provide fundamental knowledge in order to establish successful promotion centres and to ensure a high level of information services along the entire Danube. 


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Danube SKILLS promoted during Education Fairs in Serbia


The School for shipping, shipbuilding and hydrobuilding has its own Team for career guidance and counselling that has been active in promoting our own educational profiles and professions as a part of its regular activities. This year, it has also included the promotion of the Danube Skills project. Some of the best opportunities for this are Education and Job Fairs, which have been organized in Serbia for years now as a part of professional orientation and career guidance.


Read full pdf Newsletter  

Contact details


Mrs. Ghiuler Manole- Project Manager


Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223

Mobile: +40 752 118 880


Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
E-mail:  | Web:


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)