New project partner from the Czech Republic


New Project Partner: Iron Mountains National Geopark




The secret trips to history attract not only young children but also adults. When history is told, however, everyone will imagine a period of no more than the first hundreds of years. However, you can embark on the territory of the National Geopark of the Iron Mountains with a history of almost 700 million years, the history of the Earth, the history of the evolution of life.

The Iron Mountains Geopark (Zelezné hory) defines the territories that are formed from many large geological units, and which, with a little exaggeration, combine geology of the entire Czech Republic. An area of ​​777 square kilometers is covered with a diverse scale of rocks, almost 700 million years old. There are more than 100 kinds of rocks, with many rare and precious minerals, and sediments, with a wide range of fossils.

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As part of the Danube GeoTour project, the Idrija Geopark is preparing a new visitor centre that will be located on the premises of the former Nebesa Restaurant, where the TIC will also move. In the centre, visitors will find a rich exhibition about the formation of the Idrija region, which has indirectly been dictating the way of life, therefore, one part of the exhibition will be dedicated to the presentation of life in the Geopark with an emphasis on nature and people.

Anyone who is at least a bit familiar with Idrija and its surroundings knows that the area’s varied flora has always been raising the interest of nature researchers. Distinguished natural scientists, who came to Idrija primarily due to the mine, found and described a number of plants here, which were later named after them. After consultation and with the permission of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, we decided to present the Hacquetia epipactis, Primula carniolica (Carniolan primrose), Hladnikia pastinacifolia, and Gentiana clusii at the exhibition in a slightly different manner. In cooperation with the Natural History Museum of Slovenia, the plants are 3D prepared (dried in special procedures), thus preserving their shape and colour. With help of Anka Rudolf, an expert in the Idrija flora and a member of the Idrija Museum Society, we have been diligently picking flowering plants since mid-April and preparing them for the exhibition.

The exhibition will also display the remaining Geopark’s natural sights. Among others, the dinosaur’s footprints at Medvedje Brdo. Our "dino story" will be complemented by the fossil remains of dinosaur nests from the Romanian geopark Hateg, which are a unique example of such fossils in this part of Europe. Replicas of dinosaur eggs are already being made.

First Georafting wORKSHOP IN aUSTRIA


The Nature and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen is developing a new GeoProduct with a regional white-water rafting company: GeoRafting - A Geology adventure. The first workshop for rafting guides took place in April. The region is very famous for the white-water river "Salza". A lots of tourists are coming each year for rafting and kajak. This is a very good possibility to reach a new target group with a new package. This GeoProduct is a sustainable touristic offer which explains guests more about the UNESCO Global Geoparks, the Danube GeoTour, the region, the nature and geology of the Eisenwurzen. Further steps are in progress at the moment. Stay tuned!

European Year of Cultural Heritage


The Danube GeoTour is selected to be labelled as relevant project on culture and/or creative industries for EU Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018). The overall objective of the Year is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage, to raise awareness of our common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging in a common European space.
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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Copyright Photos regarding the whole newsletter: UGG Idrija, UGG Eisenwurzen, Iron Mountain National Geopark


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)