
Partners’ Meeting and Workshop in Bratislava, 1-3 March, 2018


The EU co-funded DANUrB project completed its first year of implementation. Therefore, all project partners met again in order to review the project’s progress, summarize the achieved results and determine the next steps in the project. This partners’ meeting and workshop was held in Bratislava from 1st to 3rd of March 2018 and was organized and hosted by the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology.

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5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies


The 5th International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies (PT 2018 Conference) was organised by the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture on 26-27 April 2018. Two conference sessions were dedicated to the DANUrB project, aiming to demonstrate the links between heritage, culture and the Danube. Several DANUrB participants published and presented their papers based on their experience and knowledge in the DANurB project. Next year’s conference (PT 2019) will be held in the Hungarian city of Pécs, which in 2010 was designated European Capital of Culture. The city is the centre of Baranya region, located between the Danube and Drava rivers.


PT 2018 conference cultural tour to Smederevo


On Saturday, 28 April, a post-conference cultural tour to Smederevo was organised by University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture for all DANUrB colleagues who participated in the PT 2018 Conference. The tour consisted of visits to Vinča-Belo Brdo, an archaeological site, and the city of Smederevo including a medieval fortress and church. Smederevo Fortress is the biggest flatland fortress in Europe. The church of the Saviour of the Blessed Virgin is the only preserved medieval church in an urban area located in Serbia. Dozens of participants enjoyed this trip.


Student Works for Komárno at FASTU 2018


The summer semester of 2017/18 at the Faculty of Architecture STU Bratislava (FA STU) is predominantly dedicated to the twin-cities of Komárno (SK) - Komárom (HU) and their adjacent region. The main objective of the studio was to find some sustainable future scenarios for both areas and to define specific functions and typologies that could exploit the current genius loci and other unique potentials of these sites.

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First national DANUrB student workshop in Smederevo


The University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture and the City of Smederevo started the new phase of a wide DANUrB research through the first national DANUrB student workshop in Smederevo. The one-day on-site workshop was held in different locations through the city on 26 February, 2018. Students and their mentors from the faculty visited an industrial heritage site (old ironworks), the historic core of the city on the Danube River, Smederevo Fortress and the City Hall, where they had a joint workshop with representatives and experts from the local government.


Partners’ meeting in Novi Sad, 6-9 May 2018


Where can you meet with us next time? Hereby we would like to cordially invite you to our Partners’ workshop which is the part of the DANUrB project organized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad held on 6-9 May 2018 in Novi Sad, Bačka - Palanka. We look forward to seeing you there.

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15th DRC Summer School 2018


The DRC Summer School project was initiated by IDM (Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe) and International House Pécs in 2003 to promote regional cooperation among young social scientists. Its general aim is the establishment of a network of young scientists who deal with the issue of regional cooperation as Central European perspective and intend to have deeper knowledge about the Danube Region. The main topic of this year is “Modernizing Europe: Generating Accountability". See you on 1-8 July 2018 at the Danube University Krems.

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This project is co-funded by the European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)