Made in Danube:Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region
Project progress
Helping enterprises in the south-eastern part of the Danube to increase their competitiveness, supporting SMEs to benefit from collaborative projects with R&D Organizations and boosting internationalization activities of regional companies – that is what Made in Danube wants to achieve in the long run.
In its first year of work, the Made in Danube consortium conducted interviews, workshops, conferences and compiled Action Plans with professionals and organizations active in the
field of bioeconomy aiming to dive into a future of ecological sustainability.
During its implementation, the Made in Danube project will build 15 sustainable innovation partnerships involving 40 companies from the Danube area in the field of sustainable agriculture, bioenergy and forestry. As a first step towards better framework conditions for research collaborations, the consortium designed three questionnaires that help to identify opportunities and bottlenecks of technology transfer for SMEs, Higher Research and Education institutions and Public Authorities. A total of 208 interviews were conducted and its results were documented in a final report.
On the policy level, best practice workshops in Nitra and Maribor were organized to foster local innovation capacities and present concepts and trends related to social-, service- and eco-innovations in Bioeconomy.
The next workshop will take place in Budapest on 24th April 2018.
Taking into account the findings of the survey and the workshops, three Local Action Plans for the involved regional initiatives in Vukovar (Wood Sector), Novi Sad (Biofuels) and Nitra (smart and innovative precision farming) were elaborated and serve as a basis for the Roadmap related to framework conditions which will be developed at a later stage.
To facilitate the implementation of innovation and technology transfer, the project has put into operation the Danube Transnational Innovation Cooperation – DTIC, e-tool.
Based on a demonstrator, the DTIC e-tool is a specialized online platform designed to support actors operating in the Danube Region interested in converting R&I into applicable and market successful solutions.Members can use the tool to e.g. present their knowledge and look for technologies through integrated
Innovation Audit, Technology Offer and Technology Request tools that match their interests. In addition, the project offered Technology Transfer and Transnational Partnership trainings to innovative actors striving towards operating on an international level. Upcoming events will be published and announced on our web site.
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/made-in-danube
Made in Danube 2nd Steering Committee Meeting in Budapest
From the 5th -6th of March 2018, Made in Danube consortium organized the second Steering Committee Meeting in Budapest at the premises of its partner Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the project progress and reporting, as well as review and approval of the workplans for the next implementation phases.
More... http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/made-in-danube/gallery?project_gallery=Steering+Committee+meeting
Best Practice Workshop “Social-, Service-, and Eco-innovations in Bio-economy: Best practice workshop on capacities and opportunities”, 30th January 2018, Nitra, Slovakia
The aim was to bring together the representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, researchers, SMEs and NGOs and to foster local innovation capacity through good practices examples and knowledge exchange on cross-cutting issues related to bio-economy, such as social-, service- and eco-innovation.
The topics “Bioeconomy dynamics in the Danube Region”, “Framework conditions for innovation in the Danube Region”, “Towards a Danubian Common Strategy: Local Action to transform ideas into marketable products and services” and “Local Action Plan for Smart Agriculture” was presented by various project partners from Slovakia, Austria and Slovenia.
More... the Agenda, the Report, photos - http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project-news/1734
Made in Danube project welcomes your contributions and inputs
The Made in Danube project tries to improve framework conditions for the cooperation between University, Industry, Public Authorities and civil society by developing innovation tools which will match the needs of companies with the expertise of research organizations;
We welcome your contributions and inputs. If you are interested to promote events, new technologies, research results, expertise in the field of bio-economy, find partners (research, innovation, business), please contact us.
More... Made in Danube project
Policy Dialog Event and 11th Forum for Innovation, 24–25 May 2018, Bucharest, Romania
For creating economic value and social prosperity, production research has to generate knowledge sensitive to society’s needs and transferable “just in time” to the economic environment by innovative solutions for products and processes.
The goal of the Policy Dialog Event is to discover, develop, and disseminate best practice, new policies, and robust, accessible, applied theory in the areas of bioeconomy, innovation and general management.
Our goal is not so much to teach our community what to think, but rather to continually better understand how to think.
More... http://www.arott.ro/forum2018
Synergies with others projects
4BIOMASS: Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe (CE)
4Biomass will foster usage of bioenergy throughout CE via turning know-how into show-how. Through dissemination of best management practices and best available technologies, accompanied by study trips for local and regional stakeholders to demonstrate projects in different CE regions, investment will be facilitated.
A joint management tool (databank), pooling all information on CE demonstration projects will be produced to help Central European Biomass Centers to find tailor-made solutions for investment into bioenergy and operation of plants.
More... http://www.4biomass.eu/en/project
BERST - BioEconomy Regional Strategy Toolkit
The purpose of BERST is to answer the following questions:
- What is the current bioeconomy potential of EU regions?
- What is the future bioeconomy potential of EU regions?
- How to close the gap between current and future bioeconomy potential of EU regions?
- How to develop smart strategies for regional bioeconomies in the EU?
More... http://www.berst.eu/ResearchPartners.aspx
BIOSKOH - Novel Second Generation Biorefinery
The circular bioeconomy project, BIOSKOH will transform a Brownfield industrial site in eastern Slovakia into a 55 kton cellulosic ethanol production facility. It will demonstrate a first of its kind commercial-scale second-generation bio refinery.
More... https://bioskoh.eu/
Bioeconomy Forum
European Commission launches the online platform "Boosting EU border regions"
This EU-wide online professional network is part of the 10 measures proposed in the Commission Communication "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions". It aims to promote the pooling of services along internal EU borders, to discuss and present concrete issues of the border regions and showcase potential solutions.
More... https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/border-regions
Roadmap on the update of the 2012 EU Bioeconomy Strategy
The roadmap aims to identify areas where further action could address problems and barriers associated with the development of a sustainable bioeconomy, in line with the EU’s other policy priorities. Stakeholders may provide feedback by 20 March.
More... Read more
EU Bioeconomy 2.0 – Cultivating a home grown success
Barely six years old, the EU’s Bioeconomy Strategy, currently under revision, is slowly but surely propagating green shoots of sustainable economic recovery in innumerable and unexpected ways, and writes Joanna Dupont, EuropaBio's Director for Industrial Biotech and Cross-sector Strategy, in EurActiv.
More... Continue reading the editorial
New partnership to accelerate development of the bioeconomy
Bio-based World News report that LanzaTech, an innovator in "carbon smart" circular economy, are teaming up with DNA pioneers TeselaGen to extend its state-of-the-art biological design platform to include artificial intelligence capabilities that speed up the design process.
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Biotech investment in Germany hits a new high
A BIO Deutschland study in cooperation with biotech magazine |transcript shows the German biotechnology sector experienced a record year in 2017, with investment climbing to about €674 million. A majority of companies said they plan to increase hiring and ramp up R&D spending in 2018.
More… Read more
Selection for your Agenda
Calls/ Bioeconomy capital
Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking publishes Annual Work Plan 2018. Deadline: 6 September 2018
The Bio-based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking has published its work plan for 2018 with information on the topics and budget for this year's upcoming call. The call for proposals is expected to be published on 11 April.
An Infoday for this call will take place on 17 April in Brussels.
To support networking of stakeholders and consortium building BBI provides a Partnering Platform with different features.
More... BBI JU Annual Work Plan 2018 ; BBI JU - Informationen zur Ausschreibung 2018 ; BBI JU Partnering Platform
Access to EU Financial Instruments suitable for the implementation of large Bio-based Industry investments
This report, prepared by the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), provides a detailed overview of the financing opportunities promoted by the European Union to support the development and growth of the European bioeconomy and aims to:
- Increase awareness of EU financial instruments to the bio-based industry;
- Demonstrate how different financial instruments can be used and combined.
More... http://biconsortium.eu/sites/biconsortium.eu/files/BIC_Financial_Instruments_web.pdf
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies for SMEs, INNOSUP-03-2018. Deadline: 15 May 2018
The Action will be a piloting scheme for the uptake of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) by SMEs. It will aim at testing in real conditions the opportunities, challenges, risks and necessary conditions associated with DLTs in different contexts and sectors.
More... http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/innosup-03-2018.html
Entrepreunerial capacity building for young migrants, 278/G/GRO/PP A/17/9861/. Deadline: 24 May 2018
This initiative will support the creation, the improvement and the wider dissemination of support schemes for migrant entrepreneurs and will focus on:
- Training courses (e.g. on entrepreneurship, business planning, legal aspects of setting up a company and hiring employees, etc.);
- Mentoring schemes for migrant entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.
More... https://www.up2europe.eu/calls/entrepreneurial-capacity-building-for-young-migrants-278-g-gro-pp-a-17-9861_2928.html
KIC: Added-value manufacturing, EIT-Manufacturing-2018. Deadline: 12 July 2018
A KIC-Knowledge & innovation community on added-value manufacturing is aiming to contribute to the H2020 objective of "transforming today's industrial forms of production towards more knowledge-intensive, sustainable, low-emission, trans-sect oral manufacturing and processing technologies, to realise innovative products, processes and services.
More... http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/eit-manufacturing-2018.html
KIC: Urban mobility, EIT-Urban Mobility-2018. Deadline: 12 July 2018
The key objective of a KIC on urban mobility will be to ensure a greener, more inclusive, safer and smarter urban mobility system by bringing together a critical mass of excellent research, innovation, education and training stakeholders affecting the mobility sector in new configurations, with a view to optimizing existing resources and exploiting the business opportunities created through these new value-chains.
More... https://eit.europa.eu/interact/bookshelf/presentation-eits-2018-call-kics-urban-mobility
Selection for your Agenda
Events in the field of bioeconomy, technology transfer, innovation and business finding partners
Geothermal Conference 2018 & Matchmaking event, 25-26 April 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
The conference will be focusing on the advantages of utilising geothermal energy and the benefits of it?
The conference will bring together respected experts from all around the world and provides opportunities for networking and exchange of knowledge in all fields of the geothermal value chain.
The matchmaking event is held April 25th-26th, during the conference at the Harpa Conference Centre in Reykjavik.
More... https://geothermal2018.b2match.io/
Brokerage Event @23rd International Energy & Environment Fair & Conference, 03-04 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
The meeting schedule will be 1.5 days of B2b meetings. The event is for Companies, Start-Ups, Universities and other institutions active in the field of energy investment, energy trading, privatization of energy sources, conventional, renewable energy and environmental technologies.
More… http://www.idtm.com.tr/istanbul-expo-center/
EUBCE 2018! 26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 14-17 may 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
The EUBCE is the leading platform for the collection, exchange and dissemination of scientific and industrial know-how in the field of biomass.
The EUBCE combines one of the largest biomass science and technology conferences with a high quality industry exhibition, attracting biomass professionals from around the globe.
More… http://www.eubce.com/
AgroB2B Brokerage event during International Agriculture Fair, 16 May 2018, Novi-Sad, Serbia
International Brokerage Events provide additional support to the agriculture companies to find international partners at the fair. The Agriculture Fair is the most significant agribusiness event in Serbia and the Western Balkans region.
More… http://agrob2b2018.talkb2b.net/
Conference. Potential of Biomass Sidestreams for a Sustainable Bioeconomy, 6 July 2018, Brussels, Belgium
This is the final International Conference of the EU-Project AGRIFORVALOR. In the center of the event are presentations, discussions, interviews and round tables all about valorization of residues in the forestry and agricultural sector and the highlights of the EU project AGRIFORVALOR.
More... http://agriforvalor.eu/event/6th-July-2018-Potential-of-Biomass-Sidestreams-for-a-Sustainable-Bioeconomy-99
The European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy, 16-18 October, Toulouse, France
The forum is the largest community of bio-based professionals in Europe, and features contributions from high level policymakers, CEOs and business leaders, scientists and bio-based experts.
They are able to network with over 650 attendees from throughout the bio-based value chain, during 1-to-1 meetings, extended breaks and networking receptions.
More… www.efibforum.com
8th European Biomass to Power, 7-8 November 2018, Stockholm
Over the two days, the event will give you an in-depth look into case studies giving practical examples of planning, finance and technology strategies utilised for biomass co-generation projects.
Confirm your space today to receive updates on the European biomass market and its new developments, as well as focus on sustainability and commodity challenges.
Two Exclusive Site Visits: Fortum's Värtaverket & Vattenfall’s Uppsala CHP Plants
More… Request Draft Agenda / Register Your Attendance / www.wplgroup.com
Selection for your Agenda
- 11-13 April, Freedom of research conference, European Parliament, Brussels
- 18-19 April, German Biotech Days, Berlin24-26 April, RENEXPO® Water & Energy, International Water & Energy platform, Belgrade, Serbia
- 3-4 May, http://regatec.org/, 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, Toulouse, France
- 3-8 June, Innovation Biocamp for start-up, bio-based businesses, Hawkhills, Easingwold, North Yorkshire, UK
- 21-22 June, BEMAT-2018.pdf, Business Event on Materials and Circular Economy, Roma, Italy
- 3-5 July, Call for Communications on WATER & GEO-ENERGY, Pau, France18-20 September, www.advancedbiofuelsconference.org, 4th Advanced Biofuels Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 24-30 September, European Biotech Week
- 16-18 October, EFIB 2018 European Forum for Industrial Biotech and the Bioeconomy, Toulouse, France
- 4-7 November, www.flogen.org/sips2018/summit.php?id=17 Intl. Symp. on Sustainable Energy Production: Fossil; Renewables; Waste handling, processing, and storage for energy production technologies; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Technology Offers; Technology Request
Technology Offers – Wood sector, Biofuels, Precision farming
Technology Request
Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Activity of Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd, Made in Danube partner, in the Field of Circular Economy
The unsustainable use of resources results both in environmental damages and economic risks. In Europe, sustainable use of resources is of particular importance because the continent relies on imported resources much more than any other part of the world: 40% of raw material used on the European Union is imported. The improving of resource efficiency, which has several positive effects on economy, society, environment and ecology, lies in six basic concepts.
More... http://www.bayzoltan.hu/en/circular-economy/
New study on R&I perspective of potential for Advanced Biofuels in Europe available!
A study titled “Research and Innovation perspective of the mid- and long-term Potential for Advanced Biofuels in Europe” has been published by the EC, DG Research and Innovation.
The study, developed by a group of high-level organizations (associations and consultancies), is aimed to contribute to future policy developments in the area of advanced biofuels.
Royalty Rates in Biotech: Guide to Full-Text Licensing Agreements
Valuation, royalty rate, and other deal term benchmarks are vital tools when it comes to negotiating license agreements in the biotech industry. But specific contract details and market comparables are hard to come by, and the research required is time-consuming at best.
The Guide to Full-Text Licensing Agreements is a MUST-HAVE especially for university licensors, R&D entities, inventors, as well as biotechnology licensees. You’ll benefit from real-deal information and comprehensive transaction details contained in this goldmine of hard-to-find agreements.
More… http://techtransfercentral.com/marketplace/bvr/gftla/
New technologies slash energy costs for public buildings
Europe is not doing enough to reduce the energy consumption of its ageing public buildings. An EU-funded project has tested a number of new energy-saving technologies in a school, a university and two hospitals.
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Selection for your Agenda
Clusters & SMEs
Promoting Clusters and Networks for SMEs to Economic Development in the Globalization Era
This research attempts to explore the importance of cluster-based systems in preparation for SMEs to go global, and it is an ongoing research. The findings of this research are aimed at providing insights to policy makers, academicians, and practitioners with the objective of creating initiatives, strategies, and policies, which reflect the primary aim of supporting SMEs in managing global challenges. SMEs that are cluster-based have the potential to facilitate the successful inclusion of SMEs in the growth of productivity and networks of global distribution.
More… Read more
Handbook for bio-based procurement practitioners
InnProBio, the Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement, aims to build a community of public procurement practitioners interested in Public Procurement of Innovation of Bio-Based Products and Services. The Forum's most recent publication is a handbook written for practitioners working on or with public procurement.
More… Read more
Attracting investment to scale up bio-based production
European Biotechnology Magazine reports that despite important environmental challenges and the potential of big biorefinery projects, private investment in such ventures remains low. Policymakers across Europe are addressing this through a diversity of measures to stimulate private investment in bio-based businesses.
More… Read more
Selection for your Agenda
Social Media - Made in Danube
News and information about Made in Danube will constantly be shared via Social Media Channels. Follow us now on:
Website http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/made-in-danube
YouTube The Made in Danube project film is available. Visit http://bit.ly/2qrUNps & enjoy!
Contact: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum of the Steinbeis Innovation GmbH
Address: Erbprinzenstr. 4-12, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany, fax: +49 721 935 1920 
Daniela Chiran: phone:+49 721 935 1932, chiran@steinbeis-europa.de
Miljana Cosic: phone +49 721 935 19 138, cosic@steinbeis-europa.de
Isabel Trömel: phone:+49 721 935 1933, troemel@steinbeis-europa.de
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