Project mid term conference on June 12/13, 2018


Project mid term conference on June 12/13, 2018


Dear readers,


we are pleased to give you detailed information on the mid-term confernce of the CAMARO-D project, which will take place in Ljubljana city centre, jointy organized with the INTERREG CENTRAL EUROPE project "PROLINE-CE":


  • welcome reception on June 12th, at 7 p.m. in Cekin manor, park Tivoli
  • mid term conference starts with registration at 08:30 a.m. on june 13th at City Hotel Ljuljana

Detailed conference programme


The projects CAMARO-D and PROLINE-CE as well as first ouputs and the work in the pilot areas will be presented. We are also glad to welcome colleagues from other thematically related projects, who will outline their main project activities (DriDanube, RAINMAN, AMIIGA, FRAMWAT, FAirWAY).


In the afternoon, a panel-discussion will be organized, which will provide an opportunity to discuss project-related issues with notable experts.


For detailed information, please have a look at the programme.


Registration: plaese send an e-mail to:


Registration is open: March 01 - June 01, 2018


Special hotel rates until April 30, after this date the room availability

Please make your reservation via


+++ The participation is free of charge +++


Take this great opportunity to learn more about current transnational projects, related to (drinking) water issues and register now!



CAMARO-D project update


The first contenct work-package, "Investigative Danube" is now finished, which concludes the analytic work within the project.


The main output is a knowlege base, which was a unique possibility to compare and analyse literature information, from CAMARO-D expert teams gathered information (GAP analysis) and stakeholders' opinions (SWOT analysis).

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)