RARE Newsletter


Roma as Resources

















































Roma people are the largest ethnic minority in the European Union (EU) and among the most deprived, facing social exclusion, discrimination and unequal access to employment, education, housing and health.

RARE project aims to enhance the capacities and cooperation among actors in the labour market. Our message is Roma people are economic potential for Europe. 8 countries, 21 organizations are working together to change the practises and discourses.

We believe we can break the ice and threw a stone into still water.


Highlights of main achievements

Mapping deficiencies and challenges on the labour market

“Roma do not, and will not work” is perhaps the most wide-spread stereotype expressed in personal interviews among people from different regions and different walks of life. What the very same people often do not realise is, that there is wide spread discrimination on the labour market and prejudices in place.

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Stakeholder meetings were organized in all PP’s countries

A stakeholder consultation was organized in the framework of RARE project in Őrkő, Romania. One of the pilot projects will start soon in this neighbourhood. Project partners visited the local primary school and the community centre as well.

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Different stakeholders should intensify their efforts to exchange ideas about systemic, strategic and practical measures which could help tackle Roma exclusion from labour market- agreed all participants on the stakeholder meeting in Serbia. It was the first of a series of stakeholder meetings planned by RARE project.

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The specificity of the Roma community in terms of the labour market; dealing with conflicts at workplace; European programs and projects aimed at promoting a modern economy in a multicultural environment-these topics were discussed among others on the stakeholder meeting in Bulgaria.

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Roma entrepreneurs

Let us introduce you two women, whom have a prosperous company of their own. Read their personal and touchy stories from the beginnings to the present.

“As a woman, a lady, a single mother, I have encountered many obstacles in terms of finding a market, engaging in quality workforce, paying for a job, coping with enormous prejudices when my nationality is at stake.
We also need to point out to the Roma community how important is the education segment for men and women, because only an educated person has the opportunity to compete in the labor market and thus secure the economic security of their family and the emergence of poverty.”

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Milestones for the next 6 months

-The implementation of the pilot projects and behind-the-scene videos will be continued in the next 6 months

International campaign will be organized on the 1st of May. Save the date!



Upcoming event

Thematic Working Group meeting will be organized in April.



An open door is not enough

The Politico magazine has published a report on the situation of Roma employee in Brussels.
"Of the 80-odd young Roma who participated in a Commission traineeship scheme between 2005 and 2015, not one ended up with a permanent position in the Commission afterward."
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)