“Your trash is my treasure” – This is the motto of the EU co-funded project MOVECO. Sixteen partners from ten Danube countries promote transnational cooperation to accelerate the transition to the circular economy.
dtp.interreg-danube.eu/moveco |
» Your trash is my treasure « - Best practice examples of the circular economy
What do toothbrushes, spray-foam cans and old beverage cartons have in common? They are three out of the nine best practice examples of the circular economy presented by MOVECO in its new brochure “Your trash is my treasure”.
It shows products and business models that are already successfully putting the circular economy into practice. They serve as models for companies and encourage them to engage with the topic themselves: closing material cycles, avoiding waste, using secondary raw materials, protecting resources – while at the same time saving money or developing new business ideas. The brochure and more best practice examples are available online here.
MOVECO’s first stakeholder forum
The opportunities and challenges related to the transition towards a circular economy were in the focus of MOVECO’s first stakeholder meeting hosted by MOVECO`s Croatian partner Tera Tehnopolis Ltd.
About 50 participants from ten Danube countries met at Osijek (Croatia) on December 6th, 2017 for discussions on different aspects of the circular economy from the perspective of companies, research institutions and organizations from different sectors.
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MOVECO information material
We are ready to promote MOVECO throughout the Danube region! Take a peek and check out our communication materials available online – and share them, if you like!
Our poster, roll-up and leaflet are ready and on their way to events and meetings with the MOVECO project partners. Have you already seen our short film about MOVECO? It gives you first insights about our project idea and our mission to realize a transition towards a circular economy in the Danube region.
Find out more |
Transnational reports on research and development activities in circular economy and extended producer responsibility schemes
Our two transnational reports have been released! They provide concise background information if you would like to know more about research and development activities in circular economy and on extended producer responsibility in the Danube region.
So if you would like to find out which research and development organizations are active in the field of circular economy, how the strategic EU documents are tied in at the national levels and how extended producer responsibility schemes influence innovation in the Danube region – download them now!
MOVECO Staff exchanges
A central part of MOVECO is the exchange between the project partners to facilitate learning from each other and work on the shift to a circular economy together – for example, by preparing the mobile exhibition that will tour the region or joint work on the MOVECO toolbox.
Read our short reports on two of our three staff exchanges that already took place and stay tuned since more staff exchanges fill follow in the upcoming months.
Learn more here and here. |
Meet MOVECO at the IFAT 2018!
Meet us at the IFAT, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management from 14-18 May 2018!
There will be a MOVECO booth at Hall A4 Booth 151/250, organized by the Cluster of Environmental Technology Bavaria and the Bavarian Research Alliance. Several project partners of the consortium will join throughout the week and are looking forward to meet you.
Find out more |
Circular economy news in brief
- In January 2018, the first-ever European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy was adopted and will transform the way plastic products are designed, used, produced and recycled in the EU. Learn more
- The European Parliamentary Research Service has published a study on circular economy. More information
- Focus area of the Horizon2020 Working Paper, published in October 2017: “Connecting economic and environmental gains – the Circular Economy”. Find out more
Circular economy events
- March 19 – 20, 2018 – Berlin, Germany: Berliner Recycling- und Rohstoffkonferenz
- May 10 – 11, 2018 – Kostanjevica na Krki & Maribor, Slovenia: 3rd Circular Change Conference: UNFOLDING CIRCULAR ECONOMY ROADMAPS
- May 14-18 2018, Munich, Germany IFAT – the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management - visit MOVECO at Hall A4 Booth 151/250
- May 18, 2018 – Sofia, Bulgaria: Circular economy and clean technologies
- May 30 – 31st, 2018 – Trondheim, Norway: Circular Economy Conference
- June 1st – 11, 2018 – Worldwide: Open Source Circular Economy Days
Our website is constantly publishing upcoming events related to circular economy. More information
Presentation of other projects
Get involved
Stakeholders who would like to know more about the circular economy in the Danube region, learn about best practices, or who would like to give input or ask questions, are encouraged to contact us.
We are also looking forward to your comments, feedback and shared links and photos on our social media platforms.
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