5th Newsletter: 3rd project meeting in HATEG UNESCO Global Geopark, Romania


Successful meeting in Romania from 12th – 15th February 2018

The Hateg UNESCO Global Geopark in Romania had the chance to welcome the Danube GeoTour project partners. During the first days in the Hateg Geopark the partners had the possibility to be part of a joint GeoProduct training. Invited guest speakers from Romania and the Associated Strategic Partner Naturtejo Geopark from Portugal were giving interesting inputs for the development of GeoProducts. In addition, a field trip through the Hateg Geopark took place to discuss GeoInterpretation according to best practice examples. The project team would like to add many thanks to the organizers from Hateg including all their involved helpers and partners. The main project result will be a joint Danube GeoTour designed to strengthen cooperation between the Geoparks regions and act as an innovative tourism product to accelerate visibility and tourist visits in the geoparks.

More information about the organizers are available within the following links: 





The Danube GeoTour Project continues with the activities designed to establish the foundation for the development of the collective Idrija Geopark trademark, the main purpose of which is to enhance the recognisability of local products, to include the providers of different services in the trademark chain, to create added value for local products, and to spread the impression of products’ high quality among consumers.

Cuisine, handcrafts and art form the starting points for the development of the collective trademark. The following products will be able to obtain a certificate:

- handicrafts and products with unique and industrial design
- dishes and beverages served in a restaurant manner
- events with a traditional note, 
- different tourist products (tourist package, workshop, tourist programme)

In 2018, all interested local providers will be able to attend a training programme about the development of local products.  In this respect, Idrija Geopark will offer its expertise and evaluate for free entered products, which will be, based on the commission’s opinion, included in the Idrija Geopark offer. Together with product designers, they will prepare a concept for better visibility and recognisability of products, suggest a uniform visual image, and prepare a marketing and promotion plan for selected products in the Idrija Geopark.

More information:






On 30th January, the ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation (Vienna, Austria) in cooperation with the Union of Slovak Clusters (UKS) hosted a workshop to bring together representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, SMEs and NGOs, to foster local innovation capacity through good practises examples and knowledge exchange on cross-cutting issues related to bio-economy such social-, services- and eco-innovation.

The workshop was made under project Made in Danube - Transnational Cooperation to transform knowledge into marketable products and services for the Danubian sustainable society of tomorrow. However, the region is still lagging behind its possibilities and missing links between research and innovation hamper the access to required knowledge and resources. 

With the aim, to improve to actual situation, the workshop provided opportunity to discuss possible solution to challenges. Wide range of institutions presented their knowledge, experience and new ideas, through representatives, from Slovakia, Poland and other countries, where overall situation, from the view of problems and barriers, is in many aspects, very similar. Danube GeoTour team members from the University of Presov in Presov, presented within the workshop shortly the general information about the project and in the context of specific thematic focus, also the linkage between the geoparks and bioeconomy, which is regarded as a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region, on the base of the rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources.

More information:





The Danube GeoTour is selected to be labelled as relevant project on culture and/or creative industries for EU Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH 2018). The overall objective of the Year is to encourage the sharing and appreciation of Europe’s cultural heritage, to raise awareness of our common history and values, and to reinforce a sense of belonging in a common European space.
More information: europa.eu/cultural-heritage

Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/danubegeotour/ 

#danubegeotour #EuropeForCulture

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)

Copyright Photos regarding the whole newsletter: UGG Idrija, UGG Hateg, UNIPO



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E-mail: danube@interreg-danube.eu  | Web: www.interreg-danube.eu


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)