The Concept for Distributed Journey Planning is finalised
LinkingDanube will improve the end user experience of travellers in cities as well as rural areas in the Danube Region. By linking existing traveller information services through Open API it will enhance the availability and access to transnational journey planning. Thus it will open up the path to transport on demand in remote areas and foster the use of sustainable transport modes.
In the course of this vision, the concept presents general aspects to be considered when linking traveller information services, an introduction to the CEN/TC 278 standard “Public transport – Open API for distributed journey planning” and its use within LinkingDanube as well as the project use cases, the system architecture and content specifications.
The concept will in main parts be based on the specifications elaborated as project deliverables of LinkingDanube and the CEN/TC 278 OpenAPI. In contrast to the Technical Specification and the CEN/TC 278 OpenAPI, the concept is a public document and shall be considered a somewhat "popular science" document. Further technical details can be found in the annex of this concept and in the references section. This document consists of two main parts:
- Linking services in a general context, also referencing to on-demand transport integration
- Linking services in the context of LinkingDanube
The first part is dedicated to a more global view on “linking services” and will therefore reveal the state-of-play, the gaps and needs, the legal and organisational background. From the technical point of view it will describe all possible service architectures (central or completely distributed) that could be used for this purpose. Besides it will contain a special part related to on-demand transport and potential integration into journey planners.
The second part is dedicated to linking services as being dealt with in the project LinkingDanube. Hence, this part is similar to the specifications but extended by explanations and background information allowing non-technical experts to understand it in a general sense.
The Concept is based on findings of the state-of-the-art analyses and will align the specifications and recommendations on technical, organisational and legal level of WP3 Concept Development and WP4 Rural Area Integration. The concept serves as input both for the technical development work within LinkingDanube as well as for uptake by project externals aiming at implementing transnational journey planning services.
The CEN/TC 278 standard “Public transport – Open API for distributed journey planning” is used for the concept development. The following messages according to the OpenAPI standard will be used:
- Location information
- Exchange points
- Trip request
- Distributed journey planning
The LinkingDanube transnational journey planner aims at becoming a link between existing national journey planners and to rely on the information that those provide in order to offer extended trip planning solutions going beyond the coverage of any single local journey planner. The following Local Journey Planners will be part of the system architecture:
- Verkehrsauskunft Österreich (VAO) – Austria
- AtoB Ljubljana (AtoB) – Slovenia
- Timisoara Journey Planner (TJP) – Romania
- Útvonalterv (Ut) – Hungary
- IDOS (IDS) – Czech Republic
- iKVC – Slovakia
The LinkingDanube Consortium has delivered State-of-the-art Analysis of existing journey planners
A central focus of LinkingDanube is the development of a concept for transnational multimodal journey planners in order to integrate the advantages of hub-to hub-routing with local routing for cross-border regions and the elaboration of technical specifications for interface and data exchange. |
This concept shall build on existing structures in the partner countries, enhancing existing journey planners instead of creating a completely new structure. For this to be achieved, an initial collection and display of the status quo is necessary.
The partners provided input though a questionnaire/input form in which the necessary information was enquired in a structured and target-oriented way. |
The form requested information on organisational, data and service level, covering aspects like data type, coverage, external sources, interoperability and accessibility conditions as well as available modes and routing options.
This analysis shows that there are 16 services available, some of them subject to restrictions. Based on the identified services several interconnection use cases have been selected and described. |
LinkingDanube 2nd Steering Committee Meeting and 2nd Project Management Team Meeting
At the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting hosted by National Mobile Payment Plc. on 25th of September 2017, the Lead Partner gave an overall summary of the project status and the work plan. It was summarised that there was a quick and effective take-up of actions at project start. |
The Steering Committee Meeting was concluded by the Lead Partner by a short wrap-up and the main decisions of the SCOM that were noted at the meeting. It was stressed that all Deliverables were accepted by the SCOM. The calendar for upcoming activities was approved by the Steering Committee Meeting and the meeting locations and hosts were fixed.
The 2nd Project Management Team Meeting hosted by Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway Corp. on 13th of November 2017 was opened by Bettina Neuhäuser to discuss further actions in the Work Packages. The main action points were presented, timelines for procurements and implementation were provided, as a basis to draft a feasible activity plan and the next meetings were scheduled.
It was stated the next Meeting in WP1 Management will be the First Year Review and Steering Committee Meeting at Vienna on 30-31 Jan 2018. This will be combined with a WP5 Technical Development meeting.
LinkingDanube showing face at European ITS and mobility congresses
The project LinkingDanube was presented by Alexander Hausmann, AustriaTech – Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd., Austria, at the 12th ITS European Congress in Strasbourg. The title of the session was “Overcoming barriers and borders” which could not be fitting any better. Several European projects demonstrated their individual approaches to diminishing barriers in line with the LinkingDanube vision of enhancing the availability and access to transnational journey planning.
The preparations for the demonstration of the project at the Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018), the largest European transport research conference, in April 2018 in Vienna are currently well underway. The full-paper titled Linking services – a chance to leave the shores of stranded investments was approved amongst an illustrious circle of other cutting-edge themed papers and will be presented to an international audience of researchers and stakeholders in Vienna from 16 to 19 April 2018.
The LinkingDanube Consortium started to work on Technical Development for Distributed Journey Planning
Technical development will focus on the technical development of an ICT-based tool according to the concept developed for LinkingDanube service, including the development of the LinkingDanube API interfaces based on the agreed specifications. The outputs will be a decentralised technical tool providing transnational traveller information services for the Danube Region as well as an aggregation of these services in the form of an overview application for traveller information and on-demand transport services in the Danube Region.
As for user presentation, a central tool (app and web-service) named Danube Scout, providing an overview of traveller information services in the Danube region and available on-demand transport services will be developed.
The Danube Scout will be a comprehensive overview application for traveller information services in the Danube Region. Regional and local services will be displayed and can provide their data to targeted user groups. Travellers, cross-border commuters and other end users will be offered information from various national sources, thereby making the Danube Scout a one-stop shop for traveller information services, available as mobile app and web service.
Technical Development Work Package has been kicked-off and a first action plan has been presented at the 2nd Project Management Team Meeting. The WP responsible Partner presented the scope, the main activities, the timeline for activities and deliverables and presented a first meeting plan.
At the same time were presented first ideas on the Danube Scout Website/App. It will be information (mainly devoted to tourists) on the best public transport options for main tourist hubs, including information on the existing public travel information services in the Danube Region in a multi-language approach. Also information on Demand Responsive Transport services could be integrated. A link to the Development of Danube Region Journey Planner will be established.
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