2nd Newsletter





NETWORLD International conference and the 2nd partner meeting took place in Bucharest on 27th - 28th of November. National Institute of Research in Tourism (INCDT), Romania was the organizer of this event. The conference ran under the title “Tourism valorization of the First World War and other cultural heritage”. After the welcome speeches of Mr. Victor Timotin from INCDT and Mr. Virgil Nitulescu from the Romania Ministry of Culture and National Identity, Ms. Vesna Kozar (Soča Valley Development Centre, Slovenia) and Ms. Maša Klavora (The Walk of Peace in the Soča Region Foundation, Slovenia) shortly presented the NETWORLD project to give insight on project aims and activities to conference guests. The first day was dedicated to World War I (WWI) heritage management with reference to its protection, promotion and marketing under the Walk of Peace common brand, perspectives for development and planning of sustainable cultural tourism in partners’ regions. There were 52 participants who have registered for the conference, showing great interest in the memorials, case studies and good examples related to WWI heritage and cultural tourism in Bulgaria, Italy, Romania and Slovenia. Belgian associated partner (European Cultural Tourism Network) presented how they are involved to promote cultural heritage on the European level.


By the end of the first year several progresses have been made in carrying out NETWORLD project activities. This newsletter provides an overview of the main activities performed and the results achieved during the 2nd period of the NETWORLD project.




Full version of the newsletter is available for download from here.




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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)