Newsletter 1 - 12/2017



Transdanube.pearls - network for sustainable mobility along the danube 


The project Transdanube.Pearls aims at establishing a network of destinations ("Pearls") committed to sustainable mobility for tourists and inhabitants along the Danube which will support cooperation between different stakeholders from the transport and the tourism sector. This network will increase visibility of participating destinations offering their visitors the unique possibility to travel the Danube with sustainable means of transport. By doing so the project aims at developing and implementing socially fair, economically viable, environmentally friendly and health promoting mobility services for the visitors and inhabitants of the Danube region


15 organizations from 9 European countries along the Danube work together in the project Transdanube.Pearls that was officially launched during the Kick-Off conference in Belgrade on 1st March 2017. 


Project duration: 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2019

Budget: 2,94 Mio. €
ERDF: 2,19 Mio. €
IPA: 308.205 €

Priority Area: Better connected and energy responsible Danube region

Follow the project Transdanube.Pearls on social media: 

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study visit in upper austria


Around 40 participants visited the Upper Danube region in July 2017. The participants had the chance to visit Werfenweng, one of the 27 municipalities of the Alpine Pearls network dedicated to soft mobility in the Alpine region. Moreover, they experienced various mobility offers on the Danube Cycle Path, such as ferry rides, rides with wooden barges or a short hike to the Donauschlinge Schlögen and thereby, gathered new ideas on sustainable mobility services for their own region. 


Read more ... 



travel the danube - sustainably!


In summer 2017, international mobility and tourism experts travelled the 2.860 km long route along the Danube using only sustainable means of transport, such as busses, trains, ships and bikes. They encompassed 9 countries and visited more than 15 regions and cities in 22 days. The journey aimed at demonstrating existing possibilities to travel the Danube region without private car and to contribute to the project Transdanube.Pearls by providing valuable assessment on the current situation in the regions. Read the report with pictures and videos of the journey here



common standards for members of the network finalized


During the partner meeting in Ruse in October 2017, partners approved the final version of the common standards. Thereby, they achieved an important milestone for the project and the transnational network that is expected to be implemented throughout project lifetime. These standards define basic criteria and minimum requirements to be fulfilled by future Pearls and members of the network such as the mobility guarantee to travel sustainably to, from and within the Pearls and a high level of advisory capacity on mobility and tourism services. Further information on the common standards on the project website will soon follow.



training of certified mobility manager


In October 2017, 30 partners and stakeholders from the mobility and tourism sector participated in a transnational training in Silistra, Bulgaria for becoming a certified sustainable mobility manager. The mobility managers will adapt the training material to country-specific framework conditions and carry out regional trainings in order to transmit their acquired knowledge to stakeholders on the regional level.


Read more ... 



guidelines on the "sustainable regional tourism and mobility plan" (SRTMP), mobility services & Tourism offers


Project partners have successfully finalized guidelines for the development of new sustainable mobility/information services and tourism packages. These guidelines address bike rental systems and carriage services, flexible transport offers, mobility information centers or transnational tourism mobility offers. 


Additionally, a guideline on the SRTMP has been successfully finalized. This guideline provides the basis for the SRTMP that will be elaborated by each partner. Further information on the guidelines on the project website will soon follow.



upcoming events


  • March 2018: 4th partner meeting in Vukovar, Croatia
  • 11 July 2018: Mid-term conference of the project in Ulm, Germany
    The conference will take place during the 11th International Danube Festival and bring together international experts from the tourism and mobility sector. The project status, mobility services and information as well as the form and structure of the transnational network will be discussed.

On behalf of the project team of Transdanube.Pearls
 we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)