striving towards development of integrated tourism strategies


INSiGHTS project -  striving towards development of integrated tourism strategies


Danube Regions have outstanding natural and cultural resources in need to be protected. At the same time, they have a great potential related to the fast growing recreational trend of slow, green and healthy tourism, to make them attractive as tourist destinations.


To find solutions on how to make regions more attractive to tourists 14 partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia have joined forces in the INSiGHTS project – Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).


Partners will be working in close cooperation with stakeholders in 8 regions to gain relevant local feedback on the current situation of tourism and also ideas and proposals for new opportunities for slow, green and healthy tourism. There will be 8 integrated sustainable tourism strategies developed by the partner regions and they will be adaptable all across the Danube Region.


Start date: 01-01-2017

End date: 30-06-2019


Priority: Environment and culture responsible Danube Region


Specific objective: Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources



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80 participants present at the public launching event



The kick-off meeting of the INSiGHTS project took place in February 2017 in Tata, Hungary. It was hosted by the lead partner Pons Danubii European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. Partners met for the first time on February 27, 2017 to discuss the work programme of the project, management issues and to have an overview of activities and outcomes of thematic issues of the project.


On the second day the public launching event including a press conference was organized at Pikant Pajta in Ferencmajor. Sustainable tourism development in the local area was presented by the mayor of Tata, the state secretary from the Hungarian Ministry of Justice and the representative of the Hungarian Parliament. More than 80 participants were present at the public event.


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New product development in tourism – linking health with environment


One important goal of INSiGHTS is the development of new tourism products based on the natural and cultural heritage as well as supporting health and livelihood in the tourism destinations. In tourism planning product development belongs to the typical tasks. New trends increasingly focus on product development in nature, nature experience, health and well-being. The main reasons for this new emerging demand are changing working conditions, stress, an aging society and the feeling of many people that they are detached from nature and nature experience. Product development is an important issue of the transnational INSiGHTS walkshops. Therefore, this contribution by prof. Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider summarizes experiences and key messages.


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Walkshops in Bulgaria and Serbia on integrated tourism management schemes



Four transnational learning events (“walkshops”) composed of different learning activities are planned to create a platform for exchange and cross-learning activities within the INSiGHTS partnership, each one linked to a specific thematic pillar.


In June 2017 the first walkshop on the thematic pillar of integrated tourism management schemes was successfully completed. It started with the bilateral study visit in the city of Plovdiv in Bulgaria between Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Bulgaria) and Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje (Serbia).


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The walkshop on the respective thematic pillar continued at the end of June 2017 with the multilateral walkshop in Arandjelovac, Serbia. The focus of the walkshop was on good practices of promoting healthy lifestyle and eco-consciousness in tourism.


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Walkshops in Slovenia and Croatia on coordinated tourism product development linked to greenways



INSiGHTS project partners recently finished their 2nd multilateral walkshop on the thematic pillar called coordinated tourism product and service development linked to greenways. In September 2017 project partner LAG Central Istria (Croatia) visited the Slovenian partner the Development Centre of the Heart of Slovenia on a bilateral study visit in Litija and Šmartno pri Litiji.


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In October 17 – 20, 2017 the walkshop continued with the study visit in Motovun, Croatia where all partners were introduced to the Central Istria Region. The meeting of partnership in Motovun, hosted by LAG Central Istria, included also the master class, critical classroom, steering committee meeting and internal thematic meeting.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)