The Danube Transnational Project “Excellence in research, social and technological innovation” (Excellence-in-ReSTI) is well on it's way. During the past period a lot of activities have been carried out, including the opening of the Facebook page, Linkedin profile, drafting of the ReSTI curriculum, as well as several meetings. Within this newsletter we present the most important highlights of the past happenings and activities.

Excellence-In-ReSTI partners convened for their Project Management and Steering Committee Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, hosted by partner ARC Fund. After an intense summer, partners discussed their past Excellence-In-ReSTI experience, and reviewed the advancement in the first stage of the project. Also, the purpose of the meeting was to discuss and make decisions about the most relevant project issues in the second period of project implementation. Project partners will focus on the identification of good practices in ReSTI management within the Danube region paying specific attention to existing gaps and to opportunities for transferability within the region. These initial results will provide input to the discussions on the design of a comprehensive Excellence-In-ReSTI curriculum, guided by the ambition to increase the competencies and employability of ReSTI managers in the region. An important deliberation will be on the aspects of a pilot course, which will emphasize the characteristics and differences between science management, innovation management (both technical and social innovation), and will offer guidance on how to set up a research or innovation project.

The ReSTI Curriculum was collaboratively developed between ZSI, CUNI, and the FHB, and officially agreed upon during our Sophia Meeting in September 2017. There will be 5 modules, each composed of 3 to 5 courses for a total of about 20 courses. The modules span the topics of EU policies, project design, project management, social innovation, and innovation in the business context. Currently, partners are refining the course descriptions, course objectives, and are generating basic syllabi for the courses, as well as researching existing offers. The curriculum task is lead by CUNI with support from FHB.
FHB prepared the ReSTI Approach to Learning based on the four Kolb Learning Phases (including thinking, observing, relating, and doing) to offer flexible ways of learning. In order for participants to choose the learning style that works best for them or is most interesting to them, each course will be accessible through “five doors” behind which content is offered in a variety of modes—addressing different learning preferences. This multi-door approach was originally developed and successfully applied by Thiagi, an internationally renown designer of learning activities and games.
The five doors are:
- The Library (digital parking lot for a variety of resources, readings and media)
- The Forest (activities for reflecting upon content)
- The Café (activities for engaging with others)
- The Playground (activities to learn by playing)
- The Self-Assessment (testing gained knowledge and acquired skill levels)
In addition to these five doors, each course will begin with an introduction and include a discussion board that runs through all five doors.
During the pilot study in 2018/19, all participants eligible for certification will be expected to complete all of the assignments behind each door to optimize the feedback loop, while—in reality—participants could test out of courses if they pass the self-assessment test.
Charles University is one of the oldest European universities. It was founded by a charter issued on 7 April 1348 by king Charles IV. It had four faculties: theology, liberal arts, law, and medicine. Currently, there are 17 faculties (14 in Prague, 2 in Hradec Králové and 1 in Plzeň) and several important institution. Charles University has about 8 000 employees, of which more than 4600 academic and scientific employees. On the Charles University is studing more than 50 000 students, which study in over 300 accredited study programs with more than 700 study fields.
The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (CPPT) is an independent part of Charles University providing information and support services for knowledge and technology transfer (KTT). CPPT offers and covers patent and legal counselling related to KTT for Charles University researchers and students, knowledge, and financial support for commercialization projects, lifelong learning relative to KTT etc.
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