Establishing Walkable Cities in the Danube Region




Looking throughout history, most cities were built for pedestrians while walking was the main mean of transportation. Today, the increasing greenhouse gas emissions are the negative side effects of urbanization, resulting from inefficient and unsustainable local transport systems. While the pros and cons of industrialization and personal vehicles could be extensively debated, one thing is crystal clear. The situation in cities as it stands today is creating harmful consequences on the societies, environment, public health, and economic well-being of the cities.

CityWalk project helps cities in the Danube Region to reduce their pollution and improve the safety and the quality of life of citizens. With partners from 9 countries the project aims to promote the role of more sustainable and active forms of transportation.


In its battle to save the cities and their inhabitants, the CityWalk project attracted the attention of the European Commission and was selected to be introduced it in a video. On May 5, 2017 Hungarian project partners Béla Kézy and Miklós Lukovics met with Manon Levrey in Budapest. Read more...



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Walking is an environment friendly way of transport, it is the most democratic way of moving, and it is healthy. It is the best way to meet people, experience the city, and take part in city life. The Symposium on “Steps towards liveable cities” will discuss and propose (new) measures on how to bring the city back to the pedestrians: how to increase urban quality and create liveable cities in a humanistic way. Save the date:


November 28, 2017
Conference congress centre in the Dominican monastery, Ptuj (Slovenia)


Follow projects website for further information on the upcoming event.



CityWalk Baseline Study - First step towards establishing state of the art in the Walkability planning


To improve walkability and to facilitate smart integration of sustainable transport modes in urban areas, it is crucial to have a clear view on the current state of the art regarding the issue. This includes results of related scientific research, definitions of key terms, and an overview of activities being done by various cities in this field across Europe. It is also important to understand how the development of sustainable urban mobility integrates with other policy areas.


The Baseline Study plays a crucial role in this process. Its main purpose is to create a common understanding among all the partners regarding the context and key issues related to walkability. 


Read more …


CityWalk project partners met in Serbia for THE technical expert workshop


Partners met at the 1st Technical Expert Workshop and the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the CityWalk project. The meeting took place in Serbia on June 6 – 8, 2017 and was hosted by two IPA co-funded partners: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and City of Valjevo.


The participants of the meeting discussed an innovative urban development tool and an architectural view point on walkability.


Read more …


The »Walk in mY city« photo challenge for a better project visibility


As a part of the project promotion activities partners agreed on a summer photo challenge – to encourage people to make the best cover photo of a famous music group walking on Abbey road. The title of the challenge was »Walk in my city« and is connected with the goal of the CityWalk project: increasing the role of more sustainable forms of mobility in the urban transport mix, especially active transport forms like walking.


The challenge ended on August 31, 2017. It had a reach of more than 17.000 social media profiles and over 1.000 reactions, comments and shares.


And the winners are …


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)