about interreg danube traNsnational programme
The Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) supports transnational cooperation in the heterogeneous Danube region and solves common challenges and needs in the following four specific areas – innovative and socially responsible Danube region, culturally and ecologically responsible Danube region, better connected and energy responsible Danube region, well governed Danube region.
http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/ |
crowdstream - project overview
CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation (CrowdStream) is a DTP project that runs for 30 months from 01.December 2016 to 31.May 2019. The main goal of the project is to improve the effectiveness of public/private business support for spin-offs, start-ups & social enterprises to access qualitative alternative financing (crowdfunding-CF) and to exploit the findings for more innovation in the Danube region.
CrowdStream will improve the framework conditions for innovation via a strengthened cooperation of public sector, creative & finance industry in order to drive the development of innovative spin-offs, start-ups and social enterprises in the region.
- Therefore CrowdStream will also develop transnational, multilingual training material and guidelines for public actors to develop innovative services for SMEs approaching CF.
- CrowdStream will test transnational CF models for innovation.
- CrowdStream will build links among actors of innovation.
This approach enables regional actors of innovation systems to support local enterprises to succeed in international markets and to strengthen regional innovation capacity.
project in numbers
Start date: 01-12 - 2016
End date: 31-05 - 2019
Budget in Euro:
Overall: 1649950
ERDF Contribution: 1178578,11
IPA Contribution: 223879,37
ENI Contribution: 0
project partners
Lead partner - Agency for European Integration and Economic Development, Austria
ERDF partners:
- South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovative Enterprising, Czech Republic
- ConPlusUltra Ltd., Austria
- Slovak Business Agency, Slovakia
- Pannon Business Network Association, Hungary
- Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities, Bulgaria
IPA partners:
- Innovation and entrepreneurship center TEHNOPOLIS, Montenegro
Associated partner:
- European Crowdfunding Network, Belgium
- Institute for International Business - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
- Priorita Area 10 of the EUSDR - City of Vienna, Austria
- Regional Innovation Agency Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azure, France
- Lapland University of Applied Science , Finland
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development - Serbia
Crowdfunding is one of the most promising tools to enable economic growth, job creation, & social innovation. It is a democratic tool with an enormous impact on community, start-up & social service financing by allowing value creation on many levels. Crowdfunding grows in Europe from 1,2m € in 2013 to 9m € in 2015. Many crowd initiatives already concentrate on innovative small businesses or social innovation. CrowdStream will support regions to boost the already existing movement as an economic and social driver for the Danube Region.
The innovative approach of CrowdStream is to facilitate the cooperation of actors, which normally do not cooperate. That will bring together the strengths of the public sector, the creative & social industry and the crowdfunding & finance industry in order to drive the development of innovative start-ups and social enterprises. This will speed-up the process from research to sale in order to create innovation and social services.
The CrowdStream networks will enable public service providers to support spin-offs, start-ups & social enterprises creating their pitching campaigns for crowdfunding. Further, it will link the creative industry with the spin-offs, start-ups & social enterprises in order to develop high quality pitching campaigns.
Successful spin-offs, start-ups & social enterprises will be ready for public/private match-funding.
CrowdStream aims to create different pilot models of cooperation between those actors.
Kick-off event, 30.03.2017, Varna, Bulgaria
The CrowdStream kick-off event was held at the University of Economics - Varna. The key stakeholders was present at the event. It was attended students, municipality’s representatives, private business representatives, professors from the university and etc.
April 4, 2017 – Austrian National Bank: Round Table Kapitalmarktunion “Crowdfunding” - more here
CrowdStream Meetup in Zagreb, April 2017 more here
CrowdStream event, 25.05.2017, Montenegro more here
CrowdStream Presentation - University of Belgrade 26.07.2017 more here
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