ENI call for proposals

UPDATE (February 24): In view of recent events in Ukraine, we would like to inform you that the ENI call continues accepting applications. We will update you if any change occurs. 


The objective of the new call is to increase the institutional capacity of the Ukrainian/ Moldovan stakeholders to develop and implement transnational projects in the thematic fields of the Danube Programme 2021-2027 through enhanced cooperation of relevant stakeholders at national, regional and local levels.

The new ENI call for proposals has focus on Specific Objective 4.1 Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges. With regards to the upcoming new programming period, the Monitoring Committee has decided to provide support to Moldova and Ukraine with their efforts to strengthen further their capacity for developing and implementing transnational projects, enabling them to make use of relevant funds available in Danube Region in 2021-2027.

The call is open from the 26th January until the 10th March, 15:00 hrs CET.

Call documents:

1. Cooperation programme

Document developed by the States and Regions of the area covered by the Danube Transnational Programme and approved by the European Commission which defines the priorities as well as the programming and EU funds required to achieve these priorities. It serves to implement a Community support framework, inter alia, to contribute to the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion.

Cooperation Programme  Version 8.0 (2021)

Annex 1_Glossary

Annex 2_Map_and_figures

CP Executive Summary

2. Applicants manual

The manual is intended to provide applicants with detailed and specific information about the programme, project requirements, eligibility rules, application and assessment processes, project implementation principles and to guide them through the drafting of the project proposals.

Application Manual

Eligibility of Expenditures

Guidance on How to Develop a Successful Project

3. Call announcement

This document summarises the most important information regarding the launch of the ENI call for proposals.

Call Announcement

4. Documents for submission

Application Form (Word)

Guidelines for the Application Form

Declaration of Pre-financing and Co-financing

State Aid Declaration 

ASP Declaration (if applicable) 

Declaration for International Organisations (if applicable) 

Partnership Agreement 

LP Confirmation and Signature

Subsidy Contract (for information purposes)

5. Application procedure 

The applications have to be submitted through eMS (programme electronic monitoring system)

6. Support 

We are offering non-compulsory consultations of project ideas! The MA/ JS will discuss with you the relevance of your project idea and answer questions related to contents, communications and finances. If interested, please book your appoitment with Natalia Liholot, DTP MA/ JS Project Officer: natalia.liholot@interreg-danube.eu.  

On 10 February 2022, we hosted the applicants online seminar. The video recording of the online seminar and the presention (PDF) is available on this link.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)