SENSES Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape through involving socially responsible corporate Practices in EntrepreNeurial CompetenceS and Skills enhancement in the DANUBE region

  • SENSES - SENSES at Impact Brunch
    - 27-04-2017
    SENSES at Impact Brunch

    On the 25th of April 2017, Impact Brunch by Impact Hub Budapest has been organized with the mission to strengthen cooperations between social enterprise accelerators, policymakers and investors following the World Café methodology. The...

  • SENSES - Forthcoming strategic discussion between ERSTE Group and IFKA
    - 19-04-2017
    Forthcoming strategic discussion between ERSTE Group and IFKA

    On the 21 April 2017, the Vienna-based Erste Group’s Social Banking division and IFKA IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry organize its forthcoming strategic discussion. The aims of the meeting are to identify and...

  • SENSES - Erste SEEDS
    - 19-04-2017
    Erste SEEDS

    On the 21 April 2017, opening conference of the ERSTE SEEDS Social Enterprise Establishment and Development Support project will be organised in Budapest, where IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of Industry also participates...

  • SENSES - Successful SENSES presentation at the Danube INCO.NET seminar
    - 03-04-2017
    Successful SENSES presentation at the Danube INCO.NET seminar

    Our SENSES project made a remarkable entry at the Danube-INCO.NET event in Vienna on the 30 March 2017 entitled to 'Danube Region synergy workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society'. We have introduced the project objectives, activity...

  • SENSES - SENSES project at 'Danube Region synergy workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society' event
    - 17-03-2017
    SENSES project at 'Danube Region synergy workshop: Research - Innovation - Knowledge Society' event

    We are happy to present SENSES at the Danube INCO.NET event “Danube Region synergy workshop:  Research – Innovation – Knowledge Society” on 30 March, 2017 in Vienna to conrtibute to the Capitalisation Strategy of the INTERREG DANUBE Programme. We...

  • SENSES - SENSES at the CEE Social Investment Task Force Steering Group in Warsaw
    - 16-03-2017
    SENSES at the CEE Social Investment Task Force Steering Group in Warsaw

    We are happy to announce that IFKA, SENSES coordinator, has been invited to join the CEE Social Investment Task Force Steering Group in Warsaw on the 27-28 March 2017. Established as a joint initiative by EVPA, NESsT, Yunus Social Business...

  • SENSES - SENSES at HunBan International Pitch Event
    - 08-03-2017
    SENSES at HunBan International Pitch Event

    On the 17 March 2017, SENSES coordinator, Mária Baracsi on behalf of IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry, participates in 'HunBan International Pitch Event' as part of the St Patrick's Day business event. The...

  • SENSES - Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Budapest
    - 08-03-2017
    Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Budapest

    The first Regional Stakeholder Meeting is going to be organised on the 23rd of March 2017 in Budapest by IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd for the Development of the Industry, coordinator of SENSES Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial Landscape...

  • SENSES - SENSES at Badur Foundation’s upcoming event in Budapest!
    - 27-02-2017
    SENSES at Badur Foundation’s upcoming event in Budapest!

    On the 20 March 2017, SENSES coordinator, Mária Baracsi participates in Badur Foundation’s upcoming event ’Innovative business models – alternative financial solutions’ that aims to facilitate dialogue and exchange of experience between British...

  • SENSES - SENSES at SEFORIS Closing Conference in Brussels
    - 27-02-2017
    SENSES at SEFORIS Closing Conference in Brussels

    SENSES joins the SEFORIS final conference ‘Social Entrepreneurship: Inclusion and Innovation in Society’ as well as Poster Session, which is taking place on 16 & 17 March in Brussels. The conference is addressed to introduce the SEFORÏS research...

  • SENSES - SENSES participation in the INTERREG DANUBE Lead Partner Seminar in Budapest
    - 31-01-2017
    SENSES participation in the INTERREG DANUBE Lead Partner Seminar in Budapest

    SENSES Lead Partner, IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry together with REDEA Regional Development Agency Međimurje Ltd. have joined the INTERREG DANUBE Lead Partner seminar organized in Budapest on the 25-26...

  • SENSES - SENSES Opening Conference in Budapest!
    - 31-01-2017
    SENSES Opening Conference in Budapest!

    IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry in cooperation with NESsT is happy to announce that the “SENSES Bridging social entrepreneurial and CSR corporate practices in the Danube region: Opening Conference” will take...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)