OJP4Danube Coordination mechanisms for multimodal cross-border traveller information network based on OJP for Danube Region

Name Type Email Country
AustriaTech – Federal Agency for Technological Measures Ltd. Lead partner ojp4danube@austriatech.at Austria
Traffic Information Austria ERDF partner andreas.partusch@verkehrsauskunft.at Austria
Railway Company Slovakia, j.s.c. ERDF partner zakovicova.gabriela@slovakrail.sk Slovakia
University of Zilina ERDF partner tatiana.kovacikova@uniza.sk Slovakia
Regional Development Agency of Ljubljana Urban Region ERDF partner katja.butina@rralur.si Slovenia
University of Maribor ERDF partner andrej.tibaut@um.si Slovenia
GyőrSopronEbenfurt Railway Corp. ERDF partner bnemeth@gysev.hu Hungary
GLI Solutions LLC ERDF partner sandor.palfi@mapcat.com Hungary
Institute for Computer Science and Control ERDF partner esztergar@mail.bme.hu Hungary
ELECTRONIC SOLUTIONS SRL ERDF partner sorin.dumitrescu@elsol.ro Romania
Politehnica University of Timisoara ERDF partner octavian.stefan@aut.upt.ro Romania
KORDIS JMK ERDF partner khavlik@kordis-jmk.cz Czech Republic
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb ERDF partner smandzuka@fpz.hr Croatia
Knowledge Hub Moldova NGO ENI-MD partner yanavoip@gmail.com Moldova
DELFI association Associated partner juergen.ross@delfi.de Germany
Timisoara Metropolitan Transport Society (SMTT) Associated partner florin.vlad@smtt.ro Romania
National Railway Passenger Company "CFR Călători" - S.A. (CFR) Associated partner denisa.nicolae@cfrcalatori.ro Romania
Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications (MT) Associated partner paul.berghia@mt.ro Romania
Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Infrastructure, Land Transport Directorate, National Traffic Management Centre (MIS) Associated partner matej.vovk@gov.si Slovenia

The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)