MELIA Observatory Media Literacy Observatory for Active Citizenship and Sustainable Democracy
Citizen’s competence is of crucial importance for active political participation, which is one of the main components of good governance and sustainable democracy. Especially in the Eastern part of the Danube region, political participation is stagnating. Particularly worrisome are apathy and lack of political interest on the side of the younger population. Furthermore, in the last years, we witness political developments that result in the deterioration of democratic standards in many parts of the region. The core element of the citizen’s competence is a high level of media literacy. It is necessary for citizens’ reflection of social reality and their resilience to negative media phenomena, like hate speech and fake news.
The main objective of the project is to improve democratic transnational governance by developing transnational media literacy observatory, based on cooperation between different relevant stakeholders. In many countries of the Danube region, the development of competencies of media literacy and active citizenship are far behind more developed parts of Europe. This observatory will serve as a mechanism for increasing media literacy and thus strengthening citizens’ competencies what will contribute to the development of sustainable democracy. The main target groups are the youth and the people who work with them. For the purpose of strengthening it, the observatory will provide tools, available for both young people as well as their educators.
The project will establish an observatory for media literacy that will provide instruments for scrutinizing media contents, training tools and policy recommendations for upgrading media literacy in relation to other civic skills.
Outputs include:
- capacity building and training tools,
- web-based interface
- policy recommendations.
The core activities of the project are:
- mapping of practices and dissemination of information,
- developing a learning system,
- designing web training platform,
- pilot testing.

- Start date
- 01-07-2020
- End date
- 31-12-2022
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 2.188,700 EUR
- ERDF Contribution: 1.660.900 EUR
- IPA Contribution: 138.720 EUR
- ENI Contribution: 60.775 EUR
- Call number
- Call 3
- Priority
- Well-governed Danube region
- Specific objective
- Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges
Filename | Date of upload | |
Output T4.3 Pilot 3 – Youth educators | 19-03-2023 09:46:00 | |
Output T4.2 Pilot 2 - High school students | 19-03-2023 09:45:34 | |
Output T4.1 Pilot 1 - Elementary school pupils | 19-03-2023 09:44:57 | |
Output T3.4 Sustainability toolkit for MELIA Observatory | 22-09-2022 14:02:55 | |
Output T3.3_Evaluation report on quality of learning interactions and materials | 22-09-2022 14:01:40 |
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
School of Advanced Social Studies | Lead partner | | Slovenia |
Babeș-Bolyai University | ERDF partner | | Romania |
Edhance Plus o.p.s. | ERDF partner | | Czech Republic |
Research Centre Regional and Global Development | ERDF partner | | Bulgaria |
Algebra University College | ERDF partner | | Croatia |
Project News
MELIA Observatory - Seasonal Greetings 2023
- 22-12-2022 -
MELIA Observatory - 11th EUSDR Annual Forum – we were there too
- 01-12-2022It is a great honour for Melia Observatory to present and disseminate our results in media literacy and sustainable democracy at the 11th Annual Forum EU Strategy for the Danube Region in Kosice, Slovakia. Transnational cooperation is a key...
MELIA Observatory - 5th Steering Committee Meeting was held today in the beautiful city of Budapest
- 14-11-2022We are approaching the end of the project, so on the 8th of November, we held a SCOM event organised by our Hungarian project partner, Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara (BKIK) (Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)).
MELIA Observatory - Final conference of the MELIA Observatory Project
- 14-11-2022At 9th november, we closed our international event about media literacy for sustainable democracy, which was indeed the final conference of the Interreg MELIA Observatory project. Within our conference, we presented the main achievements of our...
MELIA Observatory - The second training event within the Pilot 2 in Croatia.
- 27-10-2022Another set of training was held today for students of Health and Veterinary school dr. Andrija Štampar in Vinkovci, Croatia. The training was organized by Croatian Chamber of Economy with the purpose of testing MELIA Observatory training tools...