LENA Local Economy and Nature Conservation in the Danube Region

Name Type Email Country
WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme Bulgaria Lead partner mpopova@wwfdcp.bg Bulgaria
Belene Municipality ERDF partner projectsbelene@gmail.com Bulgaria
Ivanovo Municipality ERDF partner gilarionova@abv.bg Bulgaria
Vukovar-Srijem County ERDF partner kristina@vusz.hr Croatia
WWF - World Wide Fund For Nature Hungary ERDF partner katalin.kecse-nagy@traffic.org Hungary
Donaubüro gemeinnützige GmbH ERDF partner s.rihm@donaubuero.de Germany
City of Tuttlingen ERDF partner kaysers@planstatt-senner.de Germany
Romsilva National Forest Administration - Comana Nature Park Administration ERDF partner valentingrigore2@gmail.com Romania
Giurgiu County Council – GCC ERDF partner daniela.peicea@yahoo.com Romania
WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature, Danube-Carpathian Programme Romania ERDF partner rdan@wwfdcp.ro Romania
BSC, Business Support Centre Ltd, Kranj, Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska ERDF partner blanka.odlazek@bsc-kranj.si Slovenia
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd. ERDF partner delinke.bejczy@westpannon.hu Hungary
GMO FREE-Danube Soya IPA partner Kalentic@donausoja.org Serbia
DANUBEPARKS – Danube River Network of Protected Areas Associated partner g.frank@danubeparks.org Austria
Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection Vojvodina Associated partner ekolog@vojvodina.gov.rs Serbia
Association of Hungarian Nature Parks Associated partner naturpark.hungary@gmail.com Hungary
Centre for Regional Studies, a non-governmental & non-profit organisation Associated partner igor_studennikov@ukr.net Ukraine

The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)