INDEED Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region


During the extension phase, the project group has worked on developing an additional chapter to the online learning platform. This chapter will feature good-practice examples from South-eastern Europe showing how effective dementia care can be provided despite COVID-19 constraints.

The first results of the work are the videos showing the life of a patient and his family during COVID 19 pandemic, the problems encountered and the solutions brought by the assistive technology for caring a person with dementia and supporting his family.

We are kindly inviting you to watch the videos in EN, BG, SK, SI and RO by following the links below:


In preparation for the new content on the INDEED online learning platform, an interdisciplinary, transnational focus group was helt in autumn 2021. Please feel free to download the focus group report here. The report summarises the focus group results, the current literature on COVID-19 and dementia as well as includes an outline of topics of high relevance for the INDEED project. Please click here to download the report.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)