DRIM Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants

  • DRIM - Visit by Osaka University, Faculty for Human Sciences' researchers
    - 18-10-2017
    Visit by Osaka University, Faculty for Human Sciences' researchers

    In the beginning of October, four researchers from Osaka University's visited ZRC SAZU to learn about migration and integration mechanisms and practices in Southeast Europe. In this framework, they learned about DRIM project's aim and activities....

  • DRIM - Present challenges and future developments for Danube Compass
    - 13-10-2017
    Present challenges and future developments for Danube Compass

    Last week, DRIM partners ZRC SAZU, G&S and Caritas Akademie got together in the city of Graz to meet with various stakeholders in this lovely south Austrian city. At the meeting, representatives from City of Graz, Office of te Regional Government...

  • DRIM - “Information matters: towards positive pathways of migrants’ integration” - SAVE THE DATE!
    - 22-09-2017
    “Information matters: towards positive pathways of migrants’ integration”  - SAVE THE DATE!

    You are kindly invited to a conference  “Information matters: towards positive pathways of migrants’ integration” organised by project DRIM and taking place in Bratislava on 26th of October 2017. The conference will kick off with a keynote...

  • DRIM - Institute of Ethnology of Slovak Academy of Sciences hosted a seminar in Bratislava on information platform DANUBE COMPASS
    - 29-06-2017
    Institute of Ethnology of Slovak Academy of Sciences hosted a seminar in Bratislava on information platform DANUBE COMPASS

    DRIM project partner, Institute of Ethnology of Slovak Academy of Sciences, organized a seminar on 27th of June to present to various staekholders the aim and planned results of the project DRIM, especially the information platform for...

  • DRIM - DRIM project partners involved in capitalization activities with YOUMIG project across the Danube region
    - 27-06-2017
    DRIM project partners involved in capitalization activities with YOUMIG project across the Danube region

    Several of DRIM project partners participated at YOUMIG local events taking the form of migration forums with different local stakeholders. The events increased the understanding of both projects’ aims, activities and organizational cycle and...

  • DRIM - Presentation of the project at European Commission – Representation in Slovenia
    - 22-06-2017
    Presentation of the project at European Commission – Representation in Slovenia

    On June 21 DRIM leading partner’s project members met with the representative of European Commission – Representation in Slovenia to present the project aim and planned results and to discuss the possible synergies and collaborations. The...

  • DRIM - Second partner meeting in Prague
    - 15-06-2017
    Second partner meeting in Prague

    DRIM partners gathered in the magnificent city of Prague for the second project meeting and the first Steering Committee meeting. The two-day intensive meeting centered on the overview of completed project tasks and the current organization of...

  • DRIM - Project Aims and Activities Being Presented at Different Events
    - 14-06-2017
    Project Aims and Activities Being Presented at Different Events

    Since the project DRIM gor started in January 2017, it has been presented at various occasions and events in different countries. First DRIM was presented in March 2017 at Columbia University's Harriman Institute by Serbian partner YUCOM...

  • DRIM - DRIM – The Interview with Majda Hostnik, a Former Leader of the Iinfopoint for Foreigners Project
    - 14-06-2017
    DRIM – The Interview with Majda Hostnik, a Former Leader of the Iinfopoint for Foreigners Project

    The idea behind DRIM stems from previous cooperation between two Slovenian organizations, DRIM's lead partner, ZRC SAZU and DRIM's project partner ZRSZ in its project output Infopoint for Foreigners where participants identified the ongoing...

  • DRIM - The DTP Capitalization Strategy
    - 14-06-2017
    The DTP Capitalization Strategy

    The Danube Cooperation Programme Capitalization Strategy’s aim is to support the capitalization of previous projects' outputs and further build upon the knowledge gained in the same field as well as to increase the visibility and impact of...

  • DRIM - Who Are We? - Presentation of the DRIM Part
    - 14-06-2017
    Who Are We? - Presentation of the DRIM Part

    The DRIM partnership involves 18 multisector partners from 9 Danube region countries: Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The selected territories represent...

  • DRIM - DRIM kick-off event in Ljubljana
    - 14-06-2017
    DRIM kick-off event in Ljubljana

    The project DRIM – Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants got underway on 1 January 2017. With the goal of achieving cohesion and economic development in the Danube region, DRIM's objective is to strengthen...

  • DRIM - Project DRIM initiating capitalisation activities with project YOUMIG at the Migration Forum Roundtable in Maribor, Slovenia
    - 19-05-2017
    Project DRIM initiating capitalisation activities with project YOUMIG at the Migration Forum Roundtable in Maribor, Slovenia

    As part of the Danube Transnational Cooperation Programme Capitalisation Strategy, the project DRIM cooperates with projects YOUMIG and RARE - two of DTP's projects addressing migrants' integration and access to the labour market. The activities...

  • DRIM - Project presented at IOM (International Organization for Migration) round table “Private Sector Engagement to Support Labour Market Integration of Refugees”
    - 03-05-2017
    Project presented at IOM (International Organization for Migration) round table “Private Sector Engagement to Support Labour Market Integration of Refugees”

    The aims and activities of DRIM were presented at IOM’s round table “Private Sector Engagement to Support Labour Market Integration of Refugees” by DRIM project partner Employment Service of Slovenia. The round table marked the publishing of ...

  • DRIM - Presentation of DRIM at Columbia University, New York, USA
    - 14-04-2017
    Presentation of DRIM at Columbia University, New York, USA

    Project DRIM was presented at Columbia University's Harriman Institute by DRIM Serbian partner YUCOM at an event  "BEYOND DIASPORAS FROM THE BALKANS AND REFUGEE ROUTES TODAY: ACADEMIC AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS". Milan Antonijević, Director of...

  • DRIM - Kick-off conference in Ljubljana, February 6 2017
    - 29-01-2017
    Kick-off conference in Ljubljana, February 6 2017

    You are kindly invited to attend the kick-off conference of transnational project DRIM - Danube Region Information Platform for Economic Integration of Migrants supported by the EU’s Danube Transnational Cooperation Programme.  The event will...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)