DIGITRANS Digital Transformation in the Danube Region

DIGITRANS.me e-learning platform

DIGITRANS.me is an e-learning platform that provides SMEs with an opportunity to learn about digital transformation process and to develop their new business models. It has been developed as a part of the DIGITRANS project by a team from University of Vienna with support from other project partners.

SMEs can expect to gain access to quality learning materials such as studies and publications on innovation and entrepreneurship especially in areas such as creative industries, green economy or green ICT. Users can give their feedback on the platform and the content, which will be taken into account in future upgrades. 

The platform can also be used as a tool for entrepreneurs going through a digital transformation process using DIGITRANS methodology as well as participants of DIGITRANS trainings.

The platform is available free-of-charge at DIGITRANS.me and can be downloaded and installed under the following link: https://digitrans.me/downloads/app/. There you also find the documentation and different guidelines on how you start and use your own platform. The guides contain how the environment can be set up, how it can be configured by administrators and how trainers of the e-learning platform can work with it. The link also contains all the files you need for the installation.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)