DBS Gateway Region Regional and Transport Development in the Danube-Black Sea Region towards a Transnational Multiport Gateway Region

Name Type Email Country
Regional Government of Lower Austria Lead partner christian.popp@noel.gv.at AUSTRIA
UIV Urban Innovation Vienna ERDF partner rainer.mueller@tinavienna.at AUSTRIA
Freeport of Budapest Logistics Ltd ERDF partner zs.jako@bszl.hu HUNGARY
Port Authority Vukovar ERDF partner miroslav.madjarac@port-authority-vukovar.hr CROATIA
Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company ERDF partner a.natova@bgports.bg BULGARIA
Municipality of Burgas ERDF partner m.velcheva@burgas.bg BULGARIA
Municipality of Varna ERDF partner ppeychev@varna.bg BULGARIA
Public Ports, jsc ERDF partner tatiana.masarova@vpas.sk SLOVAKIA
Municipality of Galati ERDF partner hanta.c@primariagalati.ro ROMANIA
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences IPA partner s_bojic@uns.ac.rs SERBIA
ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria Associated partner s.hagenauer@ecoplus.at AUSTRIA
Port of Vienna Associated partner rojko@hafenwien.com AUSTRIA
Municipality of Vienna, Municipal Department for Urban development and planning Associated partner gregory.telepak@wien.gv.at AUSTRIA
Austrian Association of Cities and Towns Associated partner alexander.lesigang@staedtebund.gv.at AUSTRIA
Bratislava Self-governing region Associated partner pavol.stano@region-bsk.sk SLOVAKIA
Hungarian Federation of Danube Ports Associated partner elnok@hfip.hu HUNGARY
Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centers Associated partner mlszksz@mlszksz.hu HUNGARY
Ministry of Development Hungary Associated partner jozsef.horvath@nfm.gov.hu HUNGARY
Port of Varna EAD Associated partner headoffice@port-varna.bg BULGARIA
Port of Novi Sad Associated partner komercijalansl@gmail.com SERBIA
Bayernhafen GmbH & Co KG Associated partner projects@bayernhafen.de GERMANY
Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Associated partner josef.zitzler@bmvit.gv.at AUSTRIA
Working Community of Danube Regions Associated partner Otto.schwetz@tinavienna.at AUSTRIA
Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure Associated partner silvio.ridzak@mppi.hr CROATIA
Port of Vukovar Ltd Associated partner danijel.biluskovic@luka-vukovar.hr CROATIA
Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Associated partner dsavov@mtitc.government.bg BULGARIA
Autonomous Province of Vojvodina Associated partner mirjana.kranjac@hotmail.com SERBIA
The River Administration of the Lower Danube Galati Associated partner dumbrava.catalina@afdj.ro ROMANIA
Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure Associated partner igor.zaharia@mtid.gov.md MOLDOVA
Izmail Branch of state enterprise "Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority" (Izmail Sea Ports Authority) Associated partner se@izm.uspa.gov.ua UKRAINE

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)