Danube Energy+ Boost potential of Young Innovators to pioneer change in energy efficiency inside Danube Macro-region


Lead partner:

InnoEnergy – Germany 

Dr. Tamara Högler- Project Manager

phone: +49 721 9819 98 14 / +49 152 288 238 72



Elzara Kadyrova - Project Coordinator

phone: +49 721 98 19 98 29

e-mail: elzara.kadyrova@kic-innoenergy.com


ERDF partners:

Cleantech Bulgaria – Bulgaria 

Mariyana Hamanova – Co-chairperson and Project manager

mobile: +359888256123

e-mail: mariyana@cleantech.bg


Hristina Damyanova – Communication manager

e-mail: hristina@cleantech.bg


Civitta Slovakia – Slovakia

Petra Lipnická - Chairwoman of the Board

phone: +421 911 367 268

e-mail: lipnicka@civitta.com


ABC Accelerator – Slovenia


Bernard Grum  – Director

phone: +386 40 456 697

e-mail: bernard@abc-accelerator.com


Matej Purger - Project Coordinator
telephone: +386 70 51 52 53

e-mail: matej@abc-accelerator.com
Maja Jerala - Project Coordinator
e-mail: maja@abc-accelerator.com

Mojca Dušica Zajc -  Finance

e-mail: mojca@abc-accelerator.com

Polona Juvančič - Project Coordinator

e-mail: polona@abc-accelerator.com


Optimizacija – Croatia 

Dalibor Marijanović - General manager 

mobile: +38598277190

e-mail: dalibor.marijanovic@gmail.com


Ivana Čuljak - Poject Coordinator

e-mail: culjak2ivana@gmail.com


E-KLASTR Czech Republic - Czech Republic

Václav Tůma – Director

mobile: +420 721 474 626

e-mail: vaclav@e-accelerator.cz


Startup Transilvania Center – Romania 

Cristian Dascalu – President

phone: +40742180889

e-mail: cristian@startuptransilvania.ro


IPA partner:

SEE ICT – Serbia 

Ivana Andrašević
Project manager
Tel: +381117670010

Marina Opačić
Financial manager

Nevenka Rangelov
Entrepreneurship development manager 

Nemanja Milović
CleanTech Hub Manager

Ana Petrović
Entrepreneurship development assistant


ENI partner:

European Initiatives Center - Ukraine 

Nataliya Nosa-Pylypenko – Head of board

mobile: +380993254990

e-mail: natalie.nosa@gmail.com


Associated partners:

Sofia Tech Park – Bulgaria

Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency Slovakia

Slovene Enterprise Fund – Slovenia 

Zagreb Innovation Centre – Croatia 

Regional Development Agency of Pardubice Region - Czech Republic 

iTech Transylvania Cluster part of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software – Transilvania Branch - Romania 

Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications – Serbia 





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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)