Danube Cycle Plans Policies, plans and promotion for more people cycling in the Danube region

Final Conference

More people cycling in the Danube Region – that was the overall objective of the Danube Cycle Plans project, in which nine European countries participated. All key stakeholders involved in the preparation and implementation of the transnational strategy have met at the final conference of the project. In addition to expert lectures focused on policies, plans and promotion, representatives of governments and ministries from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia will meet in Prague. As part of the "ministerial session", the view on bicycle transport and its importance in contemporary Europe will be presented.

The following topics were discussed: 

  • Promoting cycling as an important means of coping with the climate and energy crisis
  • Ministers/official representatives from nine Danube countries presenting their perspective of cycling
  • Presentation of the brand-new strategy to promote cycling in the Danube region






Download the programme > HERE < (PDF) 



Final Report from the conference
Photos (Credits: Martina MONCEKOVA, Partnership for Urban Mobility)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)