D2C DaRe to Connect - Supporting Danube Region’s ecological Connectivity by linking Natura 2000 areas along the Green Belt

  • D2C - Ametyst organised stakeholder meeting
    - 16-12-2020
    Ametyst organised stakeholder meeting

    Meadows in the National Park Šumava were discussed at the stakeholder meeting organised by Ametyst NGO on 19th November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown we met on-line. The representatives of National Park Šumava, Ministry of Environment of the...

  • D2C - Project dissemination and networking in Romania
    - 30-11-2020
    Project dissemination and networking in Romania

    Romanian project partner the Iron Gates Nature Park Administration is active also in the dissemination of information about the project, networking and expert discussions in Romania. Amalia Dumbravă from the park administration participated...

  • D2C - Habitat and population connectivity analysis reveals fragmentation
    - 09-11-2020
    Habitat and population connectivity analysis reveals fragmentation

    As a part of the D2C project activities, Duna-Drava National Park Directorate, has set the goal to analyse the connectivity of Caspian whipsnake (Dolichophis caspius) distribution in the belt-shaped Danubian target areas adjoining the 50 km wide...

  • D2C - How was a project summer in Croatia?
    - 26-10-2020
    How was a project summer in Croatia?

    Despite COVID-19 limitations D2C project partners spent active summer implementing project activities. A few of them realized in Croatia as reported by the Public institution for the management of protected parts of nature and the ecological...

  • D2C - Successful webinar about ecological connectivity in Slovakia
    - 13-10-2020
    Successful  webinar about ecological connectivity in Slovakia

    The D2C project partners in Slovakia, the Ekopolis Foundation and the State Nature Protection agency organized webinar about migrations of animals in landscape. Though originally planned as a real seminar, due COVID-19 restrictions it was...

  • D2C - DaRe to Connect at the Berlin “Festival of Lights”
    - 29-09-2020
    DaRe to Connect at the Berlin “Festival of Lights”

    The project “DaRe to Connect” took part at 2020´s “Festival of Lights” in Germany´s capital Berlin. The “Festival of Lights” aims to set an example of solidarity, unity and togetherness, following an approach of light-art with over 100 works at...

  • D2C - Excursions to the European Green Belt in Šumava (CZ)
    - 14-09-2020
    Excursions to the European Green Belt in Šumava (CZ)

    Ametyst NGO and National Park Šumava organised two excursions to the former Iron Curtain to show the general public how the modern history is imprinted in the landscape of Šumava.  During approximately a 10 km long walk visitors learn about...

  • D2C - Bats - no problem to cross the Danube river
    - 26-08-2020
    Bats - no problem to cross the Danube river

    A part of the D2C project is mapping of selected species in habitats of pilot regions. Bats are one of them in Romania, in the pilot area the Iron Gates Nature Park. Experts of the natural park did and intensive field survey for new bats colonies...

  • D2C - Snakes need ecological corridors too
    - 10-08-2020
    Snakes need ecological corridors too

    Generally when talking about ecological corridors we take in account mostly large animals - deer, large carnivores, etc. However, migration corridors are inevitable for all kinds of life, from microscopic beings to large creatures - including...

  • D2C - Workshop about ecosystem services in Croatia
    - 31-07-2020
    Workshop about ecosystem services in Croatia

    The  workshop with local stakeholders on the topic of ecosystem services was held on June 18th, 2020, in the Informative and educational centre – hostel “The Drava story” in Noskovci, Croatia. It was a part of the implementation of the DaRe to...

  • D2C - Workshop for pupils in the Djerdap National Park
    - 20-07-2020
    Workshop for pupils in the Djerdap National Park

    Organic component of the Dare to Connect project is education and awareness building both adults and schoolchildren. One of such activities was organized by the project partner the Djerdap National Park on June 26, 2020. Employees of national...

  • D2C - Night Life of Birds in the Őrségi National Park
    - 08-07-2020
    Night Life of Birds in the Őrségi National Park

    If we think of owls, we imagine them as secretive creatures in the dark rather than daytime birds. Most of them, indeed, are active in the dark. What do you think, are there any other birds that can be seen out there at night? As part of the...

  • D2C - Collaboration with Czech Scouting on European Green Belt
    - 24-06-2020
    Collaboration with Czech Scouting on European Green Belt

    The Czech project partner Ametyst NGO cooperates with Junak – Czech Scouting to promote the European Green Belt and improve ecological connectivity. Ametyst helped to choose some areas suitable for scout program “Patronages”. The aim of the...

  • D2C - Meadows - common topic in Dare to Connect's Pilot Region 1
    - 15-05-2020
    Meadows - common topic in Dare to Connect's Pilot Region 1

    A theme of meadows is a common topic of all parts of Pilot Region 1 in all three of its countries - Germany, Austria and Czechia. They create significant part of the area thus are important phenonema of the project. At the Czech side, detail...

  • D2C - Spring project activities in Croatia
    - 29-04-2020
    Spring project activities in Croatia

    Spring is very good season for specific field works. Thus, Croatian project partners PI VPC in Virovitica Podravina County spent first two weeks of March by monitoring of a very rare spring flower, Fritillaria meleagris, present on 5 continual...

  • D2C - Corona is not halting D2C project implementation
    - 20-04-2020
    Corona is not halting D2C project implementation

    COVID-19 outbreak is influencing our life substantially, there are more or less rigorous restrictions  in partner countries which don’t allow us to work normally. However, the project work is not halted. Yes, personal events are cancelled or...

  • D2C - Work must go on
    - 31-03-2020
    Work must go on

      The COVID-19 epidemy stops meetings and off-line team work, however field work is still possible as well as online collaboration. The Slovak D2C project team recently worked on a vision of the pilot area from a point of view of connection...

  • D2C - Paradox of today
    - 17-03-2020
    Paradox of today

    The COVID-19 pandemy is a reason of cancelling of the Dare to Connect project partners meeting in Romanian Iron Gate Natural Park, planned in April. It is sad, but inevitable as far we are facing the most dangerous threat since World War...

  • D2C - Planning of D2C activities in Czech republic in 2020
    - 10-03-2020
    Planning of D2C activities in Czech republic in 2020

    Usually, in the Ametyst NGO February is a time of decisions what to do in the coming period. What will happen in D2C project in 2020? We are intensively communicating with stakeholders on the Czech side of Pilot Region 1. We are inviting them to...

  • D2C - Croatia: Educational workshop on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day
    - 26-02-2020
    Croatia: Educational workshop on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day

    The Dare to Connect project is not only scientific, but also educational one. For example, very useful workshop about wetlands was held in Educational Centre Drava Story in Virovitica in Croatia. Pupils of 1. to 4. grades nearby schools...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)