D2C DaRe to Connect - Supporting Danube Region’s ecological Connectivity by linking Natura 2000 areas along the Green Belt

  • D2C - Awareness raising event in the Iron Gate natural park
    - 13-02-2019
    Awareness raising event in the Iron Gate natural park

    One of the elements of the DaRe to Connect project is raising of awareness of local stakeholders and population. Thus,  the project partner N.F.A. Romsilva - Iron Gates Nature Park Administration organized an event mainly for adult...

  • D2C - Field project meeting in the Pilot region 2 in Slovakia
    - 03-02-2019
    Field project meeting in the Pilot region 2 in Slovakia

    Experts of Slovak project partners the State Nature Conservancy (represented by experts from protected areas Záhorie and Small Carpathians) and the Ekopolis Foundation met in the middle of the Pilot region 2 in Western Slovakia. The purpose of...

  • D2C - Analysis of Barriers in the Migration Corridors of Lynx
    - 16-01-2019
    Analysis of Barriers in the Migration Corridors of Lynx

    Lynx is a flagship species in Pilot Region 1. There is a new scientific source of data that identifies migration corridors of lynx in the Czech Republic (prepared by Agency of Nature Conservation of the Czech Republic, 2018). Som the task of the...

  • D2C - Year 2018 in review – (Half) A year of connectivity
    - 20-12-2018
    Year 2018 in review – (Half) A year of connectivity

    Dear friends of the “DaRe to Connect” Project, As the year comes to an end, it is time to hold on for a moment and take a look back. Our Interreg project “D2C – DaRe to Connect” started in June and quickly developed from adolescence to maturity....

  • D2C - Presentation of the D2C project at the Šumava conference
    - 13-12-2018
    Presentation of the D2C project at the Šumava conference

    The conference „Current affairs of research in the Šumava“ is organised every three years. It is organised by the National Park Šumava Administration, the associated partner in the D2C project. This year the conference took place in Srní on 6th...

  • D2C - Public kick-off event and working meetings in Bratislava
    - 04-12-2018
    Public kick-off event and working meetings in Bratislava

    The project partners of the DaRe to Connect met on two-day event (22.-23. November 2018)  in Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, located close to the European Green Belt. Three events took place on: the Steering Group meeting, the Working...

  • D2C - 10th Pan-European Green Belt Conference
    - 21-10-2018
    10th Pan-European Green Belt Conference

    The DaRe to Connect project aims to improve European Green Belt, the 12.500 kilometres long green area located across Europe. For this reason, 10th Pan-European Green Belt Conference which took place in Eisenach, Germany from 16. to 18. October...

  • D2C - Green Belt Day with kids
    - 10-10-2018
    Green Belt Day with kids

    Not only adults celebrate the Green Belt Day. The Ametyst NGO, the partner of the DaRe to Connect project, celebrated the Greenbelt Day on 24th September with children by learning about Green Belt. In simple language, which kids understand, we...

  • D2C - Working meeting of project partners along Czech-German-Austrian border
    - 28-09-2018
    Working meeting of project partners along Czech-German-Austrian border

    The DaRe to Connect project is still in a "shaping" phase, so a lot of meetings is necessary. Three project partners met in Vimperk (Czech republic) on 25th September - NGO Ametyst (CZ), BUND Bavaria (D) and Environment Agency Austria. The topics...

  • D2C - Internal Technical Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna
    - 18-09-2018
    Internal Technical Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna

    To get WP3 Interconnected Green Belt started, an internal technical kick-off-meeting of the Austrian project and cooperation partners took place on August 14th, 2018 in Vienna. The project partners - the Environment Agency Austria and the...

  • D2C - Delineation of pilot area for connecting protected areas Hungary/Slovenia
    - 14-09-2018
    Delineation of pilot area for connecting protected areas Hungary/Slovenia

    Őrség National Park Directorate has started delineating its DaRe to Connect pilot area for improving ecological connectivity. As the first step of the process, experts of the Directorate and Nature Park Goričko carried out a workshop on 29....

  • D2C - Save the Date: DaRe to Connect opening conference
    - 29-08-2018
    Save the Date: DaRe to Connect opening conference

    The opening conference of the DaRe to Connect project will be held on 23. November 2018 in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The conference will present the D2C project, its goals and working packages and also a wider context of the European...

  • D2C - Start of connecting activities in the German part of Pilot Region 1
    - 14-08-2018
    Start of connecting activities in the German part of Pilot Region 1

    Connecting work in the Pilot Region 1 Bavarian Forest-Mühlviertel-Šumava (DE/AT/CZ) has started. Melanie Kreutz, Angelika Beck and Martin Kuba from BUND Department Green Belt (LP) visited local groups of BUND Bavaria (in 1. and 8. August 2018)...

  • D2C - D2C project comes to life in Slovakia
    - 03-08-2018
    D2C project comes to life in Slovakia

    The initial work meeting of the Slovak project partners took place in August 2nd in Malacky. The project partners - the State Nature Conservation and the Ekopolis Foundation discussed about collaboration in each working package and agreed on...

  • D2C - What is the European Green Belt?
    - 25-07-2018
    What is the European Green Belt?

    The DaRe to Connect project is devoted to the European Green Belt, its development and governance. However, what is the European Green Belt? It is an area along the former Iron Curtian, the former border between free and communist Europe. The...

  • D2C - Project kick-off meeting in Nuremberg
    - 10-07-2018
    Project kick-off meeting in Nuremberg

    The initial meeting of the DaRe to Connect project was held in the Nuremberg, Germany, on July 4-5. The host of the meeting was BUND Bavaria, the lead partner of the project. 25 persons represented 10 partner organizations from 7 countries...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)