D2C - Awareness raising event in the Iron Gate natural park


One of the elements of the DaRe to Connect project is raising of awareness of local stakeholders and population. Thus,  the project partner N.F.A. Romsilva - Iron Gates Nature Park Administration organized an event mainly for adult about waterbirds in the Danube ecological corridor. The most of 40 participants were from Drobeta Turnu Severin, the biggest city of Mehedinți County. The lecturer, our guest, Doru Panaitescu, an important blogger with a lot of experience în birds and herpetofauna, presented the waterbirds and a lot of very useful and interesting information about them. Amalia Dumbravă, from the natural park administration, presented the DaRe to Connect project and explained to participants what ecological corridors are, which are the barriers, what are our activities and a few things about our pilot region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)