D2C - Workshop for pupils in the Djerdap National Park


Organic component of the Dare to Connect project is education and awareness building both adults and schoolchildren. One of such activities was organized by the project partner the Djerdap National Park on June 26, 2020. Employees of national park organized summer school workshop on bird’s habitats in the NP Djerdap. Migration,  corridors and their obstacles were explained in context of cross-border pilot region Serbia-Romania in area of the Danube Iron  Gates, which is a valuable habitat for wide range of bird species.

Pupils were educated not only about migration as such, but also about importance and local values of birds and about a heritage which is connecting people and birds in this area for the centuries. Cross-border cooperation in research of birds was highlighted and welcomed by the pupils and their teachers.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)