D2C - Successful webinar about ecological connectivity in Slovakia


The D2C project partners in Slovakia, the Ekopolis Foundation and the State Nature Protection agency organized webinar about migrations of animals in landscape. Though originally planned as a real seminar, due COVID-19 restrictions it was organized as a online webinar. It was attended by almost 50 participants. One part of them consisted of representatives of state administration, municipalities, regions, ministries and other public institutions, who are authorized to make decisions about land use and are approving activities that influence animals migration and ecological connectivity. Rest of participants were experts in landscape ecology, landscape and municipal zoning and in ecology.

The main goal of the  webinar was to introduce basic principles of management of ecological connectivity and its application in decision making processes and land use management. New internet map portal usable by decision makers was presented too.

The webinar had been focused mainly on a geographical space between the Green Belt and the Small Carpathians Hills, that is one of pilot regions of the D2C project. However, also similar projects funded by transnational EU programmes and implemented by the State Nature Protection agency  and/or WWF Slovakia were presented in order to create a complete picture in Slovakia, They are ConnectGreen, TransGreen and CentraParks and all of them perfectly complement the Dare to Connect project.

The seminar was very successful. There were not only presentations but also extensive discussion. Even better, some of participants already expressed their interests to organize seminars/webinars  and consultations specific for regions they are active in.

Webinar presentations (in Slovak)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)