D-CareLabs Developing Labs to Facilitate Home Care Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Danube Region

Name Type Email Country
Diakonie Baden Lead partner kvonhoff@diakonie-baden.de Germany
University of Heidelberg ERDF partner georg.mildenberger@csi.uni-heidelberg.de Germany
Hungarian National Association of Local Authorities ERDF partner sabjan@toosz.hu Hungary
ACT Group ERDF partner teo.petricevic@act-grupa.hr Croatia
Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb ERDF partner gojko.bezovan@pravo.hr Croatia
Federation of social NGOs in Bulgaria ERDF partner martin.j.ivanov@gmail.com Bulgaria
Caritas of the Archdiocese Vienna ERDF partner florian.pomper@caritas-wien.at Austria
Centre for European Perspective ERDF partner ana.novak@cep.si Slovenia
Grünhof e.V. ERDF partner florian@gruenhof.org Germany
Federation of Social NGOs in Transylvania ERDF partner emicheu@eeirh.org Romania
Partnership for Public Health Association IPA partner Minela@zdravostarenje.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia IPA partner s.stefanovic@zadecu.org Serbia
Mozaik Foundation IPA partner Sejdefa@mozaik.ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
AGAPEDIA Moldova Foundation ENI-MD partner emardarovici@gmail.com Moldova
Ministry of Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg (SMBW) Associated partner Sara.bode@sm.bwl.de Germany
Ministry of Interior (HU MOI) Associated partner tunde.joo.sebanne@bm.gov.hu Hungary
Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection (SZGYF) Associated partner szonyi.zsofia@szgyf.gov.hu Hungary
Regional Development Agency - Central Region (ADR Centru) Associated partner ovidia.caba@adrcentru.ro Romania
Austrian Public Health Institute (GOEG) Associated partner elisabeth.rappold@goeg.at Austria
City of Vienna Municipal Dept. 23 for Economic Affairs, Labour and Statistics (MA 23) Associated partner christian.wurm@wien.gv.at Austria
ERSTE Foundation (EF) Associated partner nicole.traxler@erstestiftung.org Austria
Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (SIPRU) Associated partner dragana.jovanovic@gov.rs Serbia
Hungarian Ministry of Human Capacities Associated partner Edina.molnar@emmi.gov.hu Hungary
Municipality of Maribor Associated partner jasmina.dolinsek@maribor.si Slovenia
Agency for Social Assistance Associated partner dnikolova@asp.government.bg Bulgaria
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection (MSMPS) Associated partner djulieta.popescu@msmps.gov.md Republic of Moldova

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)