coop MDD Transboundary Management Programme for the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube”


Project Manager: Mag.(FH) Magdalena Wagner, WWF Austria, Ottakringer Straße 114-116, 1160 Wien, Austria  |  Direct: +43 1 488 17 238, Mob: +43 676 83 488 238  |  Skype: wagner-magdalena  |  email:



Communications Manager: Danijel Lončar, WWF Adria, Zelinska 2, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia  |  Direct: +385 1 5509 623 Mob: +385 95 3894 799  | Skype: dan.loncar | email: 

The Danube Transnational Programme is committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected and displayed in this website. We will never communicate personal data to third parties if not for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects. The DTP is not responsible for the misuse of this data which third parties may do. The DTP will eliminate immediately any personal data displayed in its website if requested by the interested party.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)