DIONYSUS - DPN brings in a new website as key communication, information, and knowledge-transfer platform


Emphasizing the importance of sharing  information and transferring knowledge to keep the Danube ports at the forefront of global innovation, the extension of the DPN website (www.danubeports.eu) with two key functionalities, namely  – the Port Knowledge Center and the Digital Initiatives Observatory -  represents a vital step forward in reducing the innovation gaps between the ports situated on the Rhine-Danube Corridor while serving the scope & needs of the Dionysus project.

The Port Knowledge Center comprises 4 subsections, namely: Port Statistics, Publications, Events & Coordination Meetings as well as Deliverables & Outputs. The figure below illustrates the Port Knowledge Center structure:

The first section – Port Statistics – collects information on a yearly basis (2020, 2021 & 2022) covering the Danube Region ports which are part of DIONYSUS. These ports will provide via an online survey updated information on the volumes of the main types of cargo transshipped in their ports before and during the COVID-19 crisis. The collected information will feed into the DPN Handbook and the Deliverable dealing with the Impact of COVID-19 on Danube Ports. The first survey was sent out in June and is available here: 


The second section – Publications – hosts three different types of publications: capitalisation factsheets, newsletters & the DPN Handbook. These information materials will contribute to a high degree of visibility of DIONYSUS well beyond the border of the Danube Region, facilitating at the same time awareness creation and know-how transfer within the European IWT community.

In fulfilling the DPN’s role as a platform that aims to enable and facilitate cooperation between Danube inland and maritime ports addressing complex issues the port sector is currently facing, the third section– Events – contains information on the events & meetings carried out within DIONYSUS in order to facilitate know-how collection and the dissemination of the project’s results to a wider audience.

Last but not least, the fourth section – Deliverables/Outputs – serves as an instrument to facilitate the access to the deliverables and outputs prepared in the framework of DIONYSUS. Theses section was last updated with the deliverables drafted in Period 1, making them available to the extended Danube inland port community.

Another new functionality of the DPN website – the Digital Initiatives Observatory – collects information about digitalisation initiatives along the logistics chains in line with RIS deployments, EU digitalisation policy goals, legislation, and measures in relation to IWT. Hosted by the DPN website, the Observatory enables the visitor a fast and easy access to the most relevant information. By means of digital filters, the visitor can select the information which interest him/her the most, choosing between the following pre-defined categories: country, transnational projects, policy initiatives, dedicated working groups and funding opportunities.

To find out more about the activities carried out within the DPN as well as about its rebranded website and new functionalities, please visit www.danubeports.eu

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)