DANUrB+ - “Danube Days” Festival in Giurgiu 2021


Association for Urban Transition relaunches the “Danube Days” Festival in Giurgiui in partnership with "Ion Mincu"  University of Architecture and Urbanism and Giurgiu Municipality. From 26th to 27th of June, residents of Giurgiu are invited to take part in activities for promoting and celebrating the local heritage of the Danube and the city as part of the european project DANUrB+. Project co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF and IPA).

The festival is aimed at promoting the cultural and social heritage of the city and its link to the Danube as a topic that can bring the community together in celebrating the social life of Giurgiu, its places and local stories. The ultimate goal is to identify local opportunities for future development of the city.

Citizens of Giurgiu are invited to discover the city through a new perspective. Creative activities for urban exploration, workshops on cultural thematics and walks around the city are just some of the elements on the agenda, available to everyone during the weekend 26th- 27th of June.


The festival will span 2 days with a series of activities primarily centred around the mobile lab for urban exploration, the URBOTECA van, which will be parked in 2 key locations in Giurgiu. We’ll have there interactive maps of the city, games and materials for discussing about the Danube and its local heritage, cultural walks and an exhibition with stories about Giurgiu as well as an open space for collaboration for ideas or solutions for the city. 

Saturday 26th JUNE | Str. Mircea Cel Bătrân, opposite “Buna Vestire” Church

Sunday 27th JUNE | Șos. Portului Nr. 1, near the harbour parking

Access to activities is free and we’re waiting for everyone, children and adults, to join us in talking about Giurgiu, the Danube and exploring our wishes for the future of the city!


The festival is developed as part of DANUrB+ project in Giurgiu through a partnership between Association for Urban Transition, "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism and Giurgiu Municipality

DANUrB+: http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/danurb_plus

Association for Urban Transition: http://atu.org.ro/portfolio-item/danurb/

"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism: https://www.uauim.ro/cercetare/danurb-plus/

Giurgiu Municipality: http://www.primariagiurgiu.ro


DANUrB+ project was launched in July 2020 to activate underused cultural heritage and resources on the peripheral and border regions along the Danube River. It is co-financed by the Interreg Danube Transnational Program 2014-2020. The expected result is to increase local development and international tourist attractiveness.

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF and IPA).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)