Award to the Best DTP Project Website


We love working with you because:

  • Your projects promote economic, social and territorial cohesion
  • Your projects testify how people in the Danube Region benefit from good cooperation among nations
  • Your projects and their outputs leave a legacy to the future generations.

Now it’s your turn to go outside and reach out to the rest of the world to show how good you are.

The DTP JS will support the best DTP project website by launching an Award for Best DTP Project Website. By beginning of June, project websites will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Visual Appeal of your website
  • Appropriateness of content and language
  • Use of every possibility/option offered by the website
  • Proper use of sections (right information at the right place)
  • Frequency of updates

The project considered the Best DTP Project Website will gain high visibility by being promoted at programme and European level, as part of the exchange of best practices among member states and stakeholders, during events and other communication activities.


A tip? Start improving your website right away!

And don’t forget: improving the communication is of utmost importance for the project, as a great website and an active communication contribute to a fruitful dissemination of the results. wink


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)