The second call for proposals is open


 The Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) is launching the second call for proposals for its priorities 1, 2 and 3. The call will be open from 09.05.2017 to 06.06.2017 (by 15:00 h. CET).

The Danube Transnational Programme supports the policy integration in the Danube area through projects addressing key challenges and opportunities of the region. The Programme offers financial support to transnational projects contributing to the development of a more innovative, better accessible and sustainable Danube Region.

The Second call for proposals is open to the Specific Objectives 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 3.2, restricted to specific topics for the other SOs, and closed for SO 4.1. In the restricted Specific Objectives, only the topics addressed and outlined in the Call announcement will be considered for financing, based on the quality assessment.

The DTP combines financing from the EU structural funds - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the EU external funds – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) and European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), being the ENI funds available for this first time in this second call. The programme will allocate up to 50,834,974.48 EUR of ERDF, 4,420,498.53 EUR of IPA and 4,653,192.00 EUR of ENI to the second call for proposals. The maximum EU contribution to the projects is 85% (for ERDF, IPA and ENI project partners). 

Each project, with a duration of up to 36 months, has to involve at least three financing partners from three different countries of the programme area: the Lead Partner and at least two project partners. Out of these financing partners, at least one, the Lead Partner, has to be located on the territory of an EU Member state of the Programme area. More information concerning the eligible partners can be found in the Applicants Manual.

All Application Forms must be submitted in the provided templates and only through this form.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)