Thematic Pole Leaders and PACs' capitalisation meeting held in Budapest


After more than two years of pionireeng work in embedding the capitalisation strategy in the DTP programme’s foundation from the early start, the first results are unfolding. The DTP organised on 19th March 2019, in Budapest, a joint meeting for the Thematic Pole Leaders and respective Priority Area Coordinators of the EUSDR with the wish to understand where the process is heading to.

The participants welcomed the opportunity to openly discuss the state of the play and share their thoughts on the future advances. The Thematic Pole leaders presented the respective thematic poles’achievements and thus the meeting served as a peer learning forum, as well. After the first initial phase of synergy buildings, the real capitalisation process (which goes along with the first projects’ outputs) has kicked off and the participants learned about the work of their colleagues from other poles. Not only has the concept of Capitalisation Strategy connected the DTP projects in the same thematic field but also paved the way to cooperation with other projects from diverse programme, be it INTERREG programmes or other EU programmes, e.g. HORIZON 2020. The dots are being connected through the EU community creating professional networks.



The DTP capitalisation strategy promotes the mutual benefits both for the EUSDR and its main stakeholders and the DTP Thematic Poles. The Thematic Pole Leaders and the EUSDR PA coordinators showecased in the meeting the advantages of cooperation, streamlined through the capitalisation process. A wealth of knowledge and information is provided through the poles’work to the PACs, while the latter shall provide its political support and better sustainability and transferability of the poles’results.

The DTP shall continue providing a favourable framework to the Capitalisation Strategy!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)